Can you suggest a new deck for me?


Hi guys,

I'm new to forums, so please bear with me! I have been studying tarot for a while now with RWS deck. I love the images and find them really easy to understand, but I've reached the point where I want to branch out into some other decks. I've bought the Steampunk tarot which I love, and I've also bought the Gilded Tarot, which I'm not so keen on.

I'm looking for something based on RWS still, as this is what I'm comfortable with. The thing that puts me off the Gilded Tarot is that the people on the cards are photos of real people. It might sound crazy, but I feel that the meanings of the cards are deep and spiritual, and so to portray them as corporeal people, as opposed to paintings or drawings takes away some of the meaning. Can anyone suggest a good deck (or a few!) that I can invest in that doesn't use photos? Thanks in advance!


Hi Kayleight :)

That choise is very personnal but i can tell you i have mant decks at the end the ones i love and use more are: rws, The fey, golden tarot and druidcraft. Rws i use the universal rider waite i love the colors more than the regular one. The fey is based on fairies seems a litle chidish but they are great for readings, i love them. The golden tarot is a more mature deck than fey, the deck stays faithfull to rws meanings and the cards are rich. The druidcraft is a very spiritual deck i se a lot for spiritual stuff the problem is the cards are too big. Don't know if they already made that cards smaller if they didn't so they don't want to sell cards.

I have a lot more decks but some they look great on internet, great pictures, great images but you use them and the meaning is blocked. Is like they only care for beautifull and nothing for meaning. Much of the decks are made for collecters and not for readers. That is what i think.

Good luck on finding a good deck.


There are lots and lots and lots and lots of decks based on the RW system.

You know, people are going to list their favourite RW-based decks, but they won't necessarily appeal to you. What I suggest is a bit different.

Hang around the "tarot decks" part of this forum. Look at current and old threads about named decks. Most of them have links to images. Follow those links, see if *you* like the decks. It's not enough for *us* to like them enough to recommend them, *you* need to like them!

La Force

So you like the steampunk, is that the one by Barbara Moore?

If it is I want you to tell me in as much possible way/ detail of what you like about it.

I will then help you.



I've found it extremely helpful to browse through the decks myself. Go to the top of the forum and click on Tarot Decks. A great place to start is with the top ten decks of all time. A little further down the page are Rider-Waite clones, etc. When you've found something that interests you, google it, look at more pictures, and read deck reviews. It can be a lot of fun.


^ That list is AMAZING!

Mystic Dreamer tarot was my very first deck and it follows the RWS imagery that you're familiar with. It's a lovely book/deck kit. High;y recommend it!

Hanson Roberts
Robin Wood
Wheel of the Year (kinda girly but one of my faves)


If you are interested in the RWS, you can have the choice of the Crystal Visions Tarot, The Goddess Tarot and the Victorian Fairy tarot as my decks of choice.


Wow, thanks everyone, some really good ideas, I understand that choosing cards is very personal and that even if I like the look of them, I might not feel a connection to them. Thanks KristinCali, that list IS amazing! I can see myself spending a few hours having a good read through! At a glance though, the Victorian Romantic collection looks very appealing.

La Force, it is the Barbara Moore deck that I have. I love the depth to the images, they really seem to tell a story that doesn't need to be memorised. You can just look at the card and immediately understand what it's telling you.

Thanks for all your help everyone, I think I'd better get shopping! :)