best angel deck card

Deepa Nischal

Hi all. Just wanted to check which angeldeck card you recommend... currently I am learning through Ryder waite... any good angel deck recommendations..thanks


If you mean Angel themed decks there are lots of them out there. See HERE. My personal favourite is the Dark Angel Tarot . I think that deck has some of the most beautiful angels I have seen in tarot cards.


Thanks for reminding me of that list Hemera.

Like Hemera, I also like the Dark Angels Tarot very much. The art is moving and I have read with it many times.

Looking down the list, although I have never seen it in person that Shining Angels Tarot looks very attractive without being too, um, fluffy.


The Shining Angels Tarot is very, very good. It's one of the more creative angel decks and attunes to Rider Waite Smith closely. However the angels are extremely feminized and even the male ones, including the ones traditionally masculine in appearance like Michael, appear androgynous. Some of the angels also appear to have been inserted by the creator, like "Suryel" for the Sun after the Hindu sun god Surya.

The Lo Scarabeo Angels Tarot is an all right Rider Waite deck, but in my experience very confusing. It uses the Rider Waite art as a base but the meanings are completely different and there is almost no structure to the story of the characters in the art. I wasn't able to use it, but you might.

If you can find a copy these days, Robert Place's Angels Tarot is an excellent Marseille type deck. A minor criticism is that he reproduces the artwork for several Angel cards from his previous deck the Alchemical Tarot, and did it for later decks as well. The Minor cards are plain pips only.

Lastly I heartily endorse the Tarot de Los Angeles, a Spanish deck that is really an oracle deck, Tarot in name only. It has a completely different structure from traditional Tarot, but it's organized according to the Nine Celestial Choirs of angels, and also Fallen Angels, Demons, and other fantasy creatures.