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AmounrA said:
Heres a challange, can you explain the adam kadmon model or the cabbalistic model of 'how we got here?' in scientific language?
No, nor would I try: I can explain it logically, as Plato approached things, but the language of science (excepting technology itself, where there is tangible progress) has become debased. (In mathematics, for instance, infinity is considered a number even though infinite means numberless.) I can of course reconcile the basic discoveries of quantum physics (minus quark theory, which I reject in favor of partons) with Hermetic science and Qabbalah (as opposed to Kabbalah, its mere remnant from which I had to reconstruct the deeper teaching over several decades), but to explain the Platonic notion of an Idea or Form to a modern scientist would be like trying to teach a kindergartener calculus!
I have not quite given up, just worn out by a lot of the yargon, and the belief in many that the old cabbalists had is sussed, and there work is now stone. I mean who cares what tarot card should be on a certain path?
I am in accord with you here, though I think much can be gleaned from the earliest Kabbalists, as well as from Luria and his crowd. But I myself found the paths to be a side issue, in that the underlying structure that gives meaning to the letters and Sefirot can be grasped without reference to these paths.
hidden treasure ? I would love to hear it, for me the cabballa needs to upgrade in my mind from a medievel way of passing on superstition and daydreams, clever though they are, tacked on to a much older, elegent, tree of life. I am not condeming it for being old, just for being out of date. Much like i would rather fly in a modern plane as oppossed to flying in the wright brothers plane.
Certainly in historic times knowledge of nature has been on the rise. But Kabbalah, rather than progress, has 'fanned out' across a whole spectrum of speculations: since I take Lurianic Kabbalah as a surfacing of some of what was left of Qabbalah in his day that got gathered together in Safed after the expulsion from Spain, I see no progress whatsoever in Kabbalah but rather merely a process of its core being lost from too much secrecy combined with external persecution.

But within what has floated to the surface, if one applies the kindred knowledge of the Kelts concerning letters (and their symbolic numeration), one can extract the tincture. Since I cannot explain it whole in 30 minutes (what's left of my online time here at the library today), I can only begin today, and continue on other days.

Consider bardic numeration of letters, and the calendar-order in which letters were originally placed (dating back at least to around 1700 B.C.E., when both ogam consaine and Tifinag were inscribed on rocks near Petersborough, Canada), which is close to ogham order. The latter is B-L-F-S-N, H-D-T-K-Q[Kk], M-G-Ng-'Z'[Ss]-R, A-O-U-E-I. The tree-calendar, though, substitutes P the water elder for Ng reed, and (based on the Irish word for alphabet being bethluisnion) an initial sequence B-L-N-F-S.

To this we add Robert Graves's addition of two hidden letters, Aa the palm (ailm in Irish meaning both palm and fir), and Ii the mistletoe: the latter I have confirmed, in that square-Hebrew yod hovers over the line precisely as mistletoe (or loranthus, its eastern equivalent) hovers above the ground, being rooted in another tree. (Graves had not noticed this by the time he wrote The White Goddess.)

Next, we 'parse' this based on Sefer Yetzirah into 3 mothers, seven doubles, and twelve simples. The relations of these depend on the wheels: four rounds each half the height of its predecessor, all related directly to every individual. They are:

(1) That centered atop standing Adam Qadmon (the Form or Idea of Upright Sentience, which draws all things to Itself without Itself moving or changing in any way -- the Unmoved Mover) and resting on the same ground that Being rest upon. It goes from up to out (horizon without) to down to in (horizon within) and back to up via 13 middot or divine attributes (up, departure from up, approach to out, out, departure from out, approach to down, down, departure from down, approach to in, in, departure from in, approach to up, and the return to up), the first 10 of which are realized in Adam Qadmon and called Sefirot, progressing from up to in, from the One Whole to the One Self.

(2) That centered atop one seated in meditation (and resting where that being rests): the horizontal diameter of this wheel passes through (or tangent to) the head and connects the two horizons, inner (behind) and outer (ahead). The manifested surroundings, therefore, constitute seven signs or stations (signs 4 through 10, cancer through capricorn) and are the seven doubles.

(3) That centered at that beings heart, the zodiac of the seated torso, which when he or she stands becomes the broken-and-extended zodiac going down the legs to the feet but while seated in meditation can be thought of as circular, returning up the spine to the head. These of course are the twelve simples.

(4) That centered at the womb, namely the round of the womb, which is dark and forms a limit to what can be perceived: it is the physical universe (while a fetus, and symbolically afterward as well) and explains why the sky is dark. It is dark because it is the present instant, and light has finite velocity, meaning that it cannot illuminate in an instant but rather takes a finite duration to do so.

The first of these is the realm of the eternal (Truth), the second that of finite durations (thoughts), the third that of the doer acting in the present instant by trying to sense where it comes from and direct where it goes to, and the fourth -- dark because, as Plato reminds us (in chapter 19 of The Republic), that which abides not cannot be known -- is the present instant itself.

The mothers represent the first three wheels, or their centers (which the wheels fully express), because these three have other wheels in their bellies. (The fourth does not, that is, when limiting ourselves to the four wheels of Ezekiel's vision.) The doer is alef (eagle in Egyptian). The thinker (2nd wheel) is shin, which stands for an original O or U in the Logos that came back in the form of omega but was shushed in Semitic from the form it took in Egyptian, the w hieroglyph quail chick. And the knower or Monad (1st wheel) is mem-sofit (final mem). Intermediate mem, however, occupies libra or down in the calendar, leading to its being identified with water and shin (at the point aries or up on the doer's wheel) with fire. The reason for this (and much more besides) will have to wait until later, as I am outta time.


AmounrA said:
Heres a challange, can you explain the adam kadmon model or the cabbalistic model of 'how we got here?' in scientific language?
(Another day, another dawn, another dusk of a day gone.) Why need one speculate how we got here if one cannot imagine our ever not having been here? Seriously, if the One Form (Upright Sentience) is eternal, then matter has forever been seeking it, and forever is a long time, meaning we have no basis on which to think there has ever been a time in which there were not beings spread out from the goal all the way back to the most elementary nature unit! Indeed there is archeological evidence of some form of sentient being in the pre-Jurassic (see the over-800-paged Forbidden Archeology, by Michael Cremo and another person).
Einstein knew god did not play dice.
One of the few things he got right. I am amazed at grown men and women 'explaining' quantum effects as chance causation, which is simply to say no cause at all, which is absurd. But scientists are not required to have a grounding in metaphysics, for science itself (if not all scientists) denies that there is anything metaphysical (which is also absurd, since the very numbers they use in their calculations are hardly physical, now, are they).
The cabballa? a once mighty oak, now dying back in the forest of 'truth' ?
If so, it has left a powerful little acorn in the form of my overtaxed but lucky little brain and its content. Seriously, let us continue (have no fear, I will cut to the chase tout suite [sp?]). 'We' left off with:
venicebard said:
Intermediate mem, however, occupies libra or down in the calendar, leading to its being identified with water and shin (at the point aries or up on the doer's wheel) with fire. The reason for this (and much more besides) will have to wait until later, as I am outta time.
The reason has to do with M, the gentle (eternal) hum of the Monad, being not only omnipresent in time but also in space, the round being a symbol uniting time and space (spring=up=aries-the-head, fall=down=libra-the-loins, and so on).

R is the original rightful occupant of libra because the round (the simples) represents the tongue lodged in the half-circle of the mouth (the doubles), and Hebrew R is guttural hence at the base of the tongue: an original P-T-K-R-G-D-B, with P and B on the rim or lip, K-R-G at the base or gullet, and unvoiced towards without with voiced equivalents within, has become in the calendar D-T-K-M-G-P-[R]-B, with R the 13th month and therefore dropped when reducing things to 12 signs. What has happened is that R has become also rolled on the tip of the tongue, defining its essence in us as the liquid sound unifying the two rolled versions. leaving libra to be filled by that which remains when anything is removed, namely omnipresent M. It symbolizes the "mm" of existence, which should pervade the entire being, becoming limited to just the loins (creative power becoming procreative and therefore limited thereto).

Vowel equivalents are not hard to figure out, and the vowels distribute themselves naturally across the bottom of the round (the simples) in the phonetic sequence U-O-A-Aa-E-I-Ii, since U is the vowel of summer and the full moon, I and Ii those of winter and the new moon, and so on. When A becomes the mother letter at the center of the (3rd) wheel, it is replaced at virgo by Q (Kk), since it is doubled K and K is virgo in the calendar -- just as S-shin is replaced at taurus by Ss when shin occupies aries as the mother that is the center of the 2nd wheel. [Back in a moment.]


The upshot is that the simples occupy the round in an order that explains their shapes for the most part: samekh is head-shaped and aries (I forgot to explain that samekh is on the tongue's tip instead of the pagan F, which sprouts out beyond it as corn from its seed), cheyt shows the shoulders-and-arms at gemini, and so on -- vav in old Hebrew was a breast pouring forth milk, just as qof, at virgo the womb, is a fruit with stem (or umbilical cord), being in Irish quert the apple.

And applying, then, the bardic numeration to all this, striking tarot correlations surface, such as the fact that D-dalet-oak, Thor's lightning lighting the horizon without, is XII LePendu, the inverted image on the back of the eye, linking the horizon to the sense (sight, i.e. light or fire) by which we apprehend it. Then 30 degrees down from that is what approaches within earshot (air), 30 more degrees what is placed within reach hence taste-able (taste requiring things be in solution, hence water), and finally straight down (libra) being contact with earth: contact is the fourth sense and comprises both touch and smell, the latter simply being the sense of surface contact focused so as to sense the surfaces of individual molecules (this knowledge alone shows the Hermetic-Qabbalistic system's greater sophistication than modern science, but I digress).

The numbers also or primarily represent atomic numbers. For instance, 12 symbolizes the outer horizon and sight because it is the magnesium used in signaling (both outside the body, being used in signaling lamps, and inside, meaning chemically within the body).

The system presented by atom-types, when the letters are thus assigned, is phenomenally accurate with respect to their meaning to man. Up or aries is 8-oxygen, the one atom-type without which there is no up. Down is the heaviest, 21-scandium, named for the location where it was first found because it is the first of the rare-earth metals: indeed down means one's location (on the earth).

The first truly amazing correlation appeared when I noticed that the horizontal diameter of the round, cancer-capricorn, was chlorine-potassium -- these form the salt that binds fluids within cells -- while the extension of this line out onto the Cauldron (half-circle of the doubles, representing one's surroundings when meditating) ends in sodium: sodium combines with the chlorine next to it there to produce the salt that marshals the fluids outside the cells (in the intercellular fluid).

Next I began to notice that valence tended to be marked by height off the ground, taking alef's height (center of the round of the simples) as plus-or-minus-one (which is 1-hydrogen's valence). All three inert gases (zero valence), for instance, are within one (between-signs) arc of the bottom libra, none therefore at an integral height themselves (being between 1 and 0 height) yet all next to their proper zero height: since there are only two actual libras, all three could not be there anyway. Plus-or-minus-one height has all the ingredients of the salts just mentioned, plus alef-hydrogen, plus arc-links to 9-fluorine (kaf) at Cauldron's virgo and 3-lithium at Egg's (the round's) sagittary -- this being all the plus-or-minus-ones (and the two linked by arc again at non-integral height themselves). The plus-or-minus-twos are all at or next to their proper height except 4-beryllium: 8-oxygen and 16-sulfur (shin) are at the aries of the Egg, 12-magnesium at the cancer of the Cauldron, and 20-calcium one arc away from aries (and at non-integral height itself). And beryllium makes a most interesting 'exception'.

Beryllium (which forms beryls, such as emerald) is the valence of mercury (same periodically, though different series-wise), and indeed there is an ingenious pattern in the numbers that marks off seven 'pillars of wisdom' in the Egg or round taken to represent the alchemical vessel (which I will save for later if you are interested). Mercury's column or 'pillar' is indicated by the months (arcs) of taurus and leo, that is, these arcs form the ceiling and floor of the mercury column, through which the round has just passed when it arrives at the signs 'ruled' by Mercury, by being 20 and 4, both mercury's valence. Yet even this column does not quite reach plus-or-minus-two height . . . until the vessel is heated (at leo's month, the hottest), whereupon Mercury's number in the Tree in Coins, 8, shows expansion of the upper half of its column to take over the upper halves of the two adjacent columns, copper and silver/gold, thereby cutting these two off at the proper valence height of their respective metals (all plus-ones) and extending its own up to its proper height finally. And 8 does this simply by virtue of the fact that in Hebrew 8 is cheyt, which is H-gemini here, and bardic 8 is at aries (oxygen): now mercury's vapors have captured all of spring (aries through gemini) and in the process taken the one vowel not placed in its proper season, O-furze (vowel of spring and waxing moon), up via mercury's vapors to encompass spring.

Another indication what is taking shape is not merely one person's imaginings is that the letter given no number bardically, H-cheyt, is at the sign (gemini) immediately preceding-and-above the direction straight out, meaning the outer horizon: indeed it is the presence of space or no-thing above-and-adjacent to it that makes it a horizon.

Another has to do with the layers or levels of the Egg. First of all, in each half, upper and lower, they alternate metal and non-metal, with capricorn (where the round ascends) going with the upper and cancer (where the round descends) going with the lower. But moreover, pisces-taurus aluminum-calcium -- abstraction of lightness-combined-with-strength versus its actual occurrence in human bone -- and aquarius-gemini is silicon-space -- the abstraction of a segment of space (as quartz) versus the actual occurrence of space in nature. And furthermore (moving now to the lower half), sagittary-leo is lithium-beryllium, the former a treatment for bipolar disorder, hence inner well-being, the latter found in emerald and aquamarine and thus symbolizing outer well-being. And finally, scorpio-virgo is helium-argon, the former that which when breathed in lifts the voice (it begins the trip back up from the bottom, libra), the latter that which in lightbulbs reveals the outer appearance of things.

But let's move on to the most important aspect of all this. The four elements are assigned in the Zohar to the four quarters such that in our diagram fire points up (to aries), water down (to libra), air back (to capricorn), and earth forward (to cancer), these being the primordial elemental triads, of which the seasonal/diurnal (fire-south, air-east, water-west, earth-north) and the astrological are the first and second derivatives, so to speak. Just how this translates into the particle types of quantum physics (pre-quark) and their spins and charges, I shall reveal upon my next visit (being out of time), which will I hope be tomorrow.


venicebard said:
Just how this translates into the particle types of quantum physics (pre-quark) and their spins and charges, I shall reveal upon my next visit (being out of time), which will I hope be tomorrow.
An electron is 'spin 1/2', whereas a photon is 'spin 1': this is the measure of their respective angular momentums, though there is an added sense in which 'spin 1/2' means it must twirl about twice to return to where it was, but I digress.

Now oxygen, at aries of the Egg (meaning the head when seated in meditation), is the 'principle', if you will, of combustion: combustion is oxidation. And combustion emits photons, which are 'spin 1'.

Half its height, at either end of the horizontal diameter, are potassium/capricorn and chlorine/cancer: these are +1 and -1 valence electron, respectively, meaning the former has one and the latter has a 'hole' where one goes.

Since electron and proton are both 'spin 1/2' and of opposite charge, and since the proton is like chlorine in having a 'hole' or need for one electron, we assign electron and proton to capricorn and cancer as well as the atom-types that led us to do so.

Taking the photon as the representative 'spin 1' quantum of energy or light at aries, it marks 'spin 1' height and defines absence of electric charge as being where the center-line is (vertical axis or diameter of the round).

Electron and proton, equal-and-opposite in charge, we take to represent the particle-types lepton and baryon, respectively. Indeed they are the primary representatives thereof in nature, for the other common lepton, the neutrino, interacts with practically nothing at all, while the other main baryon, the neutron, decays into a proton (plus debris) anyway once free of the nucleus. And in our diagram they are off on opposite sides of the median line of electrical neutrality, indicating they are of opposite charge.

This leaves (prior to quark theory, which I reject on the basis of Hermetic science) only the fourth particle type, the meson. Now the main meson in nature is the pi-meson (pion): it comes in 'positive', 'negative', and neutral and therefore is on average electrically neutral. And it is 'spin zero', being (as shown by its mass having been predicted on this basis) the quantum of the strong nuclear force. Thus the force of cohesion in nuclei, mediated (until quark theory messed things up) by the pi-meson. Just so, the atom-type at the very bottom of the Egg or round, at libra, is the heaviest, most tightly packed nucleus of the bunch (0-21), 21-scandium, which thus represents the meson particle type in our diagram, which it does also by being in the middle and thus electrically neutral.

The interesting thing about all this -- in addition to spin and charge being accurately mapped -- is that it avoids the mistake moderns have made in calling the electron 'negative': since direction of electron flow is the actual direction of current, the modern fiasco of saying otherwise is avoided.

You see, the fundamental basis of this entire model has to do with +1 versus -1. For straight down from capricorn and cancer are scorpio and virgo of the surrounding Cauldron (bottom half of the surroundings, from outer horizon to innner horizon), and in this is a great mytery (which I will reveal in a moment).


venicebard said:
You see, the fundamental basis of this entire model has to do with +1 versus -1. For straight down from capricorn and cancer are scorpio and virgo of the surrounding Cauldron (bottom half of the surroundings, from outer horizon to innner horizon), and in this is a great mytery (which I will reveal in a moment).
The mystery is this: 9-fluorine is -1 valence and 0 numerically (leaves digital sum unchanged), while 10-neon is 0 valence and +1 numerically. In addition, fluorine is the atom-type which, when combined with hydrogen to make hydrofluoric acid, would be felt most by a human (it seeps through skin and dissolves bone), whereas neon is that which is used to excite desire (neon lights).

Just so, K-kaf is evidently the kidneys in square Hebrew (according to my calculations), the seat of feeling (which lives in the cerebrospinal nerves, shin). And G-gimel is evidently the adrenal glands that hitch-hike on them, the seat of desire (which lives in the blood, mem).

Now the doer is the part of the conscious self that acts in the present instant, which according to Plato and common sense it cannot actually know (the instant being gone ere it can be examined). Feeling, our "-1 valence, 0 numerically," is its passive or receptive side -- its input -- dominant in a female, while desire, our "0 valence, -1 numericaly," is its active or determinative side -- its output -- dominant in a male.

Their expressions in the Egg (meaning seated torso) are our valence -1 and +1 chlorine and potassium at cancer and capricorn, which match there numeric values: 17-chlorine is also a -1 numerically, and 19-potassium is also a +1 numerically. Thus they represent the expressions of -1-ness and +1-ness that can interact (being complementary in valence), since fluorine and neon do not (not being complementary in valence).

The power of this model then becomes a bit clearer when it is pointed out that these two that can interact, 19 and 17, are yod and vav, the initials of the two halves of the Great Name, yod heh vav heh.

Another topic:

As striking as the above to me, though, is the logical structure implied in the Tree in Asiyah, the fourth or material world (physical world of the womb, to a fetus, meaning the 4th wheel).

Taking the elemental layers of matter as delineated by the squares of their order-of-appearance, the fiery or radiant layer consists of 1 (fire being 1st), the airy layer of 2-3-4 (air being 2nd), the watery or fluid layer of 5-6-7-8-9 (water being 3rd), and earth of 10-16 (bardic numbers beyond 16 having been kept secret), which translates to just 10 in the Tree in Asiyah. This makes the radiant or fiery layer the totality of the stellar heavens -- nature's power plant -- and the airy layer the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn plus the sun. The fluid layer, then, is the inner planets, as well as the cycle of the year. And the solid layer is, of course, that which spins daily (earth's crust) and constitutes our solid ground.

What is interesting about this is that it goes counter to the highly theoretical gravitational cosmology that forms the mainstream today, yet it is consistent with the more empirical model, the more proven model if you will, that of plasma cosmology. All observed shapes of galaxy in the heavens have been created and photographed in miniature in plasma laboratories, and the plasma model of how a galaxy forms consists of equations that are completely scalable to the very large. This view of things is outlined in the book The Big Bang Never Happened, by Michael J. Lerner, and shows the utter uselessness (if you ask me) of the gravitational model, which, while it pleases the professors who had to learn the equations of general relativity (which I have probed myself) to get where they are, does nothing to advance our knowledge of the heavens, as it has no empirical basis: 90% of the mass they need to find to make their equations work they cannot find, leading to their postulating 'dark matter', matter we cannot detect but which they know intuitively is there.

In the Hermetic model, the fiery layer consists of the stellar heavens: this means that the heavens are essentially a power plant, large because it takes extent to develop the power needed.

This, 1 in Asiyah, acts on 2, the sun as great year (precession-cycle, which results in the heavens rotating in a forward sense about the zodiac), the sun as focus that harnesses or adapts said energy, its 'transformer': it is the passive side of air, not active fire as most see the sun.

The active side of air, then, is Saturn (acting on water) and Jupiter (acting on earth. The active side of water is Mars (acting on earth) and the year (acting on water itself), while its passive side is 7-8-9, Venus (acted on by the year), Mercury (acted on by Saturn), and the month (acted on by fire or starlight). And earth is acted on by fire or starlight and by Jupiter and by Mars.

While the exact physical mechanisms behind these dynamics may not be readily apparent, the numerical laws determining them are solid -- the active sides of air and water determined by numerical value and water's passive side by valence -- and the psychological verity of the model profound. For example, the year, as Vulcan or Hephaestus, is Venus's rightful husband, so when Mars was caught in a net fooling around with her, it shamed him (to briefly retell the Greek myth).

But just the conformance with the more empirical of modern models, plasma cosmology, in delegating 'fire', meaning electromagnetic energy, to the stellar heavens rather than 'earth' or gravity, as is done in universities, to me shows as much perspicacity beyond that of the scientific mainstream as does getting electric charge right, instead of backwards as we moderns have it.

But then I'm weird, what can I say.