I don't connect with the Wild Unknown


Excepting 2 or 3 readings I made regarding a gruesome matter, for wich I got a superb meaninfull reading, I don't connect with this deck.
All the other readings I made were difficult to interpret to me.
I find it is a sad deck. No many colors, most grey cards, the court cards seems to be sad, so simple images... maybe I'm used to read with the Gilded or the Witches (Dugan), and I can not read with this deck.
I find it sad. No happy cards. Also the lack of details on the cards... no images with simbols or details that help me to read..
I'm the only one feeling this way with the Wild Unknown? Can I do anything to learn to read with this deck or stopping to see this deck as it was depressed?
It cost me a lot of money, and I was expecting about it.... all was marvellous until I started to read with it.
It is like speaking with someone with depression :(


Now THAT is a sad story... so sorry to hear that it isn't working out for you.
I'm sure you can find a "taker" for it though - and maybe recoup your financial loss (the Wild Unknown is also Wildly Popular...lol).
I'm happy to report that I've had exactly the polar opposite experience with it :).



No! I want to keep the deck.
Maybe is not the time for me to read with this deck. Maybe I need to study a bit more. Maybe I need to see the deck with different eyes. I do not want to sell it.
I don't know why.


I love it but I can see that it's not for everyone..

I've just posted a reading in Your Readings using this deck and I've included a picture of the spread.. Why not take a look and see if you can get something from the cards if the reading isn't one of your own.. It's here: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?p=3716879

You could also check out the study group: Wild Unknown Tarot study group (click)

If you really can't connect with it I'm sure you could trade it for something more 'you' in Tarot Trading or even sell it and get the money back that you paid for it.. There are always people looking for this deck and it tends to get snapped up quickly.


Wild unknown is my favourite deck. It speaks to me with clarity because of the simple images... you could try meditating with it. And see what happens. ..


Hi Sulis,
I will have a look to the thread this night.
The Study Group is on my list of things to do.
I'm reading a Tarot Book maybe when I finish it, I will go for it.
For the moment I don't want to trade it, maybe I feel we will connect after a first bad impression...as with some persons happens.. :)

By the way, I checked the thread and again the son of swords is here. It seems that this card appears too often, allmost in most readings I made or I saw with this deck. Can mean anything? I find this card a bit threaten


Excepting 2 or 3 readings I made regarding a gruesome matter, for wich I got a superb meaninfull reading, I don't connect with this deck.
All the other readings I made were difficult to interpret to me.
I find it is a sad deck. No many colors, most grey cards, the court cards seems to be sad, so simple images... maybe I'm used to read with the Gilded or the Witches (Dugan), and I can not read with this deck.
I find it sad. No happy cards. Also the lack of details on the cards... no images with simbols or details that help me to read..
I'm the only one feeling this way with the Wild Unknown? Can I do anything to learn to read with this deck or stopping to see this deck as it was depressed?
It cost me a lot of money, and I was expecting about it.... all was marvellous until I started to read with it.
It is like speaking with someone with depression :(
I agree, I am not crazy about it either. It's a little too simplistic for me as far as the artwork goes.
I like decks with a little more detail.


I also agree, I tried at my friends place - she has the deck and I was there visiting for a week. And while she, a person with a taste for very modern clean lines, found the deck very telling, myself - with my love of all things Medieval and Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian - could make no more sense out of the deck than pictures of twigs and cobwebs. It remained silent for me. Oh well! Loads of other decks out there to love! :D


It's so interesting how people have such widely different reactions to decks. I guess that's why there's a market still for new ones, always. :)

Although I can see how someone could find the deck to be somber, even melancholy, I adore it. I find it very moving for some reason, and my readings with it often help me define a situation via mood, emotion, and atmosphere. I see joy and hope in the deck, too, but it's a quiet joy, not a boisterous one.

I do read it more intuitively than other decks. I think Sulis has mentioned that she reads hers like a Marseille deck, using eye rhymes, repeating shapes, and movement, etc. I found that to be helpful, and try to do the same thing.

I hope you can find a way to connect with it eventually, Ivanna.

As for the Son of Swords, I don't find it any more threatening than other Knights of Swords. Same drawn sword, rushing horse (owl), and fierce sense of mental speed/movement as the Thoth and RWS, really.


Kalliope, I believe that is because the decks speak to everyone in a different way....everyone has their own language, as do the decks, and so...until you meet the decks that speak your language, well, there can be - disappointment. Decks are like people - can't force them to love you or work with you, and there will always be some that do love you, and some that don't... ;)

I am glad to hear you speak the same language as your Unknown, I wish I could speak it, too!