I don't connect with the Wild Unknown


I think the Wild Unknown is an amazing deck, but it isn't for everyone. We all connect with different decks for different reasons. For me, it is my favorite deck and it is very cheerful and optimistic to me. The 3 of wands in particular just melts my heart. But I think part of my love for it is a result of growing up in a rural forest area. When I see the black and white images of nature, it reminds me exactly of the scenes I saw outside my window at night. Especially snowy nights with a full moon. Just the bright white contrasted with the dark night, the moonlight sparkling on the snow, and all the awe and wonder that brought. Not to mention the almost deafening quiet and stillness that forced you to listen to nature. So for me it is an extremely calming and reassuring deck. It is my happy place.

I think you may be able to try and look at it in a new light and see if that helps you connect to it. The threads mentioned above would be great for that. But it may just be that it isn't the deck that speaks to you. I've definitely felt that way about a deck or two that others have raved about. I wish you luck and hope that the Wild Unknown wins you over. :)


Thank you for the wishes, I hope the same too. This is why I decided to keep the deck and not trade it.


By the way, I checked the thread and again the son of swords is here. It seems that this card appears too often, allmost in most readings I made or I saw with this deck. Can mean anything? I find this card a bit threaten

Maybe the Knight of Swords has a message for you.. Are you in a phase of quick changes in your life right now or maybe you're being told that you need to approach something in a very direct, logical, no nonsense sort of way or be more assertive in whatever you're reading about?

Like kalliope, I don't find this Knight any more threatening than any other Knight of Swords - this card shows a personality who acts on his wits, is assertive and quick thinking and who dives into things, particularly debates or intellectual things, with great gusto and enthusiasm. I think the owl, diving towards it's prey conveys the energy of the Sword Knight really well..

As others have said though, maybe this deck isn't for you.. I love reading with minimal style decks, particularly Marseilles tarots and decks with scenes on the Minors tend to stifle me and make me feel as if I'm having to force the meaning from the picture so the minimalism in the Wild Unknown really works well for me. Loads of tarot readers like decks that have lots of symbolism though and I can see them feeling that they'd like more than the Wild Unknown can give..
Different strokes for different folks and all that ;).


I love contemporary decks that pull the traditional Waite and Marseille nobles out of their High Middle Ages setting and into a fast-paced, urban environment. I grew up in big cities, so decks like Gay Tarot and Bright Idea instantly resonate with me. It's comparing Toronto and New York to Yellowknife and Juneau.

But being the big city slicker I appreciate the Wild Unknown for escapism. When I look at it, I smell burning firewood, toasted marshmallows, tinfoil dinners, and pine needles. I see animals I almost only see in photos. My experiences with them are comparably brief with someone who grew up in a forest or farm environment. Above all, there is quiet.

Maybe this is the reason that I can't use the deck for long. My sense of quiet has always been in buildings: libraries, schools, offices, where silence is socially engineered rather than natural. The Wild Unknown really is unknown to me, and I don't fear it or misunderstand it, but it's not something I can attune with for long before I want to get back to my comfort zone.


Wild Unknown is the deck I really really want right now. :(
It's too expensive at the moment.


Hi Sulis,

Yes, we are having some changes in our life right now. Soon we will open a shop, and also our appartment is for sale.

I was thinking about getting the companion book of the deck to help me understand the cards but I don't know if it worths its value.

Anyway, I don't want to trade the deck, as the 2 first readings I made with it were absolutly amazing. Maybe it's just a matter of time, or study.

Maybe the Knight of Swords has a message for you.. Are you in a phase of quick changes in your life right now or maybe you're being told that you need to approach something in a very direct, logical, no nonsense sort of way or be more assertive in whatever you're reading about?

Like kalliope, I don't find this Knight any more threatening than any other Knight of Swords - this card shows a personality who acts on his wits, is assertive and quick thinking and who dives into things, particularly debates or intellectual things, with great gusto and enthusiasm. I think the owl, diving towards it's prey conveys the energy of the Sword Knight really well..

As others have said though, maybe this deck isn't for you.. I love reading with minimal style decks, particularly Marseilles tarots and decks with scenes on the Minors tend to stifle me and make me feel as if I'm having to force the meaning from the picture so the minimalism in the Wild Unknown really works well for me. Loads of tarot readers like decks that have lots of symbolism though and I can see them feeling that they'd like more than the Wild Unknown can give..
Different strokes for different folks and all that ;).

Eowyn Annwyl

To the OP, I have it, too, but I'm not that crazy about it. When I got to select a deck, it always seems to get passed over. As you say, it's kind of grim.


I love this deck also, and it is partially because I have grown up surrounded by woods and trees. There is a definite deep understanding of the trees and animals, including worms, that shows in the small, subtle details. Some of the symbolism for me does come from my experiences.

I wonder if the threatening effect of the knight of swords, is that he is coming down from above... my husband does not like one of my favorite pictures, because he thinks a hawk is coming down to attack him, he feels like prey.


I have been undecided on this deck for months. I finally ordered it and it arrived yesterday. It's going straight on ebay. I can't find a single thing to like about it :( None of it speaks to me and it just seems totally random. I am beyond disappointed. I haven't bought a new deck for about a year and I was really hoping this would be a keeper :(


I bought one here on the forum from someone, I'm very excited.
As all the pictures of this deck are online, there are no surprises. I love the art work, and even when I have decks that are unconventional, they have their own personalities and own offerings.