Recommendations for a fan of the Mythic Tarot


I love my Mythic Tarot deck and it is the primary one of three that I use. I would love to find a new deck, so please guide me in the direction of other decks with vivid, realistic images.


Which Mythic do you have? The Original or the second version, which has completely different style of artwork.


I have been searching for the original, but can not find it.


You've probably already considered these, but what about the Druidcraft or the Wildwood?


I dont know why but the Mythic Tarot reminds me of Anna K Tarot..


I have the original. You know, Anna K came up as something I think I might like as well. I am going to look at the other suggestions now :)


Maan, I loved the deck you recommended and actually ordered it. Thank you!!