All-Nude Tarot

Holly doll

meh... Been done before...


Emperor/Emporer - been corrected on the deck - website to be updated - ! contacted the designer.

Le Fanu

This deck is so not aimed at me.

Showcasing fatness is fine, I suppose. But that Lovers card looks really rather fetishistic. I think that card is definitely for people who get excited by obese. There is nothing nonchalant whatosever about it. It sort of goes beyond being diverse.

The people portrayed are all thin Europeans
(of other decks) That just isn't true. New Orleans Voodoo, Maat, Ancestral Path, Haindl, Gaian, etc etc

Of course it reminds me of Cosmic Tribe, but with all the fun taken out of it.


Of course it reminds me of Cosmic Tribe, but with all the fun taken out of it.

I think the idea of the 'light-painting' was the main focus for the deck, but you would think that along with the Cosmic and the Brotherhood tarot - which both used naked non-model types who were the creator's friends - that they might have tried to be a 'tad' more creative or taken some input from the models ... I mean - a naked woman with arms upraised holding a glowing orb - is it the Sun, Moon, or Star? A couple of more props might have gone a long way ...

The Six of Swords looks like he has an erection ... be it's just a shadow on the rock!

Le Fanu

Plus one of the unforgivable seven deadly sins in photo decks; the same models again and again and again. Now she's a Lover, give her a scythe and then she's Death...


This deck is so not aimed at me.

Showcasing fatness is fine, I suppose.

Now you know how I feel about the Klimt, which showcases starvation-shin. Also a look that isn't healthy or attractive. :)


Threesome for the lovers card? Could be an interesting one if a querant is stuck between two love interests!!

I believe it is a male and 2 females - could have stuck to the more classical poses for the card ...


I'm wondering if the Hanged Man was actually photographed standing upright and they rotated the picture ... his ankle is not tied in any way ... hard to tell from his anatomy ....

His anatomy is - er - Druidcraftly accurate. So no.


And while I am glad to see some - um - chubby people in there, I think one of the options for the lovers is just too chubby. So hit me.

Well it does bring to mind (in very graphic way) the phrase "a roll in the hay". Or a few rolls in the hay. :D

As Nisaba pointed out, the Klimt is unappealing on the other end of the spectrum, unhealthy is just that, unhealthy.