Ma'at's Feather

Texas Tarot

I've always liked the story in Egyptian Mythology, where when one dies, your heart is cut out and balanced against a feather. If it is too heavy, you are thrown to this horrible monster, if it is too light, same thing...

I started ruminating on the idea of this for a tarot spread. I would like to workshop a spread that highlights what people need to do so they could successfully take this mythological test. In other words, figure out what one needs to do to balance the soul.

As many of you already know, there were several barriers that a soul would have to go through. The departed would have to say all these negative statements to get through. "I never lied. I never killed...." etc. etc. There are various guardians that one has to go through.

I skipped that part for the spread. I've taken it right to the part where they cut your heart out. The departed soul had two "defense" attorneys so-to-speak in the form of Anubis and Thoth. I have put them in my spread. They offer advice which should reflect on the judgement that one is going through.

Just check it out.

Is this too brief?



Wasn't Ma'at's feather more about truth than about justice?

And how does one determine whether the heart is lighter or heavier than truth/justice? Does a Major carry more weight than a Court than a Pip? Does one Minor suit carry more weight than another? Do you compare the number values of the cards if they're Majors or Pips? The way the spread is setup, it's really difficult for the scales to balance.

Just my two cents worth,

Texas Tarot

rwcarter said:

Wasn't Ma'at's feather more about truth than about justice?

And how does one determine whether the heart is lighter or heavier than truth/justice? Does a Major carry more weight than a Court than a Pip? Does one Minor suit carry more weight than another? Do you compare the number values of the cards if they're Majors or Pips? The way the spread is setup, it's really difficult for the scales to balance.

Just my two cents worth,

Hmm... I'm hearing you. Those are some good points. Perhaps it shouldn't be two cards. Maybe the scale itself is simply one card, and one would look at the totality of THAT card as the answer.

To your first point, truth and justice really go hand in hand, but maybe I should have said, THE FEATHER. By naming it that, it encompasses more things than just simple legality.

I'm gonna re-think this layout. I still like the concept.