The Current State of the Lenormand Community


I did try to have a read.. But when I click on link it says cannot open page, server not found??


For the most part, humans are egotistical, confused, and fearful. This leads to all kinds of dysfunctional behavior: The need to be right, and the need to control others are some of the most prevalent symptoms. The Lenormand world in the US tends to divide into two camps (traditionalists and free form readers). The traditionalists have so many strict rules that it is difficult to master the art, and the free form readers have so few rules that there is chaos. The truth (as in much of life) is found in the middle. You need enough rules (card meanings and some basic interpretative techniques) upon which to hang your intuition. It is not an either or situation (tradition vs intuition) that makes Lenormand work, it is both.

The current Lenormand wars in the US will resolve soon enough, because all those tarot readers who jumped onto this bandwagon a couple of years ago with such zeal and enthusiasm, will soon enough jump off the bandwagon and go to something else.


Not clear what you are suggesting, Izzydunne

Are you saying the vast differences in reading with too many or too strict rules or no rules are just because of the tarot readers who found Lenormand a new toy and will soon go away?

That the differences aren't among serious Lenormand readers who will continue to read? The last part of your post seemed to suggest that was the issue, those who will not stay with Lenormand and that's where the problem lies in reading styles or techniques.


Great dane:

I am sorry you don't understand, however my message is quite clear.


Perhaps to you, Izzydunne

But I am sorry, I didn't see as clear. I saw as two distinct points, not necessarily the same.
One was there are those who are too strict in readings, the other too loose in readings and then you added there are those who jumped from tarot, will give up Lenormand, like that would solve the "war". I am sorry, I didn't see that that necessarily would just somehow solve what you see as the problem.


Moderator note:

An off-topic post was removed. Please folks, let's try to avoid back-and-forth sniping and stick to discussing the topic at hand.

Lee, Lenormand Moderator


A well written article.

Thanks for bringing it to our attention. I found myself nodding a fair bit whilst reading it.


Le Fanu

I never really felt that there was a war going on. I do think the writer takes the anguish onto her own back as it were. She didn't fail anyone. Nobody failed anyone.

The phenomena is a curious one. I relate it more to facebook than the actual cards themselves. Facebook allows people to be nasty and sneery and get involved in quickfire dialogues under pseudonyms (such as was averted in this thread :D). Add that to "closed" groups, a horror of *Moderating* and it's a recipe for disaster. I think the disillusionment with Lenormand cards / community and the rise of social networking are connected.

I don't know why people don't just get themselves a notebook, a reputable source and then log off and learn. Learn in a vacuum. You don't have to do anyone's "pairing" exercises over breakfast. I read the other day someone commenting on Rana's book - informative, thorough, detailed, readable - that it was considered "overwhelming". Do people not have any concentration span any more?

That's my explanation - a fiery combination of the rise of social networking, the cult of the closed group and a lack of concentration span. But it's a timely debate. That's a good blog post and thanks Tag for bringing it to our attention.