Anyone have an oracle deck recommendation?


hello all!

I have only Doreen Virtue decks, which I absolutely love. So I find it hard to find other decks which images that are just as lovely and inspiring. But it would be nice to also find some helpful decks that are different with different.

Do any of you have any recommendation for other decks by another person?

thank you :D


Froud's Faeries
Fairy Ring Oracle
Victorian Flower Oracle
Angel Oracle
Madame Endora
Well-Worn Path
LS Wiccan Cards

These are all my favourites in the oracle department!!


wow thanx!! Im gona go look them up now! :D


HearthCricket said:
Froud's Faeries
Fairy Ring Oracle
Victorian Flower Oracle
Angel Oracle
Madame Endora
Well-Worn Path
LS Wiccan Cards

These are all my favourites in the oracle department!!
I totally agree with HearthCricket. These decks read beautifully, especially Froud's Faeries Oracle. :)


i cant find that one, is that how you spell it? Froud? :(


I love the Victorian Flower Oracle :D


Dreaming in color!!!


whats dreaming in color? a deck? :D


For zingy, zippy, kick-you-in-the-rear one to three card readings, I love Madama Endora. She rarely fails to get to the heart of the matter. I also love the Well Worn Path, and it's the deck I travel by plane with if I am going to be away from home and want to do ritual (all the tools needed are in there - just add your own candle for a touch of realism and you're ready to go).

For meditation on specific goddesses, it's Goddess Guidance and the drop dead gorgeous Goddess Knowledge cards.