Crystal Study Group: ROSE QUARTZ


that was an awesome contribution to the Rose quartz study, Celticnoodle - thanks so much for sharing your experiences with us all! By sharing, you can help everyone here to discover the meanings of these stones, and their use in the day-to-day world.

I too am terrified of the dentist - so next time, I will take Rose with me :laugh: thanks for that bit! I myself have a hard time connecting to this stone, though I do love to look at it...I am going to have to try harder, obviously!

I am sorry about your dad...I know what it is like to lose your family, never easy. For anyone. But, I was interested that you grabbed Rose quartz for consolation when your father passed away...did you know that Rose quartz is also prescribed as a grieving stone, as it helps people with the intense pain of intuitively, you picked a winner! ;)

:) thank you. Yes, it is always hard to lose anyone you are close to, isn't it? My father passed away nearly 4yrs. ago now. He did live a good long life, and though he was sick for years and growing weaker by the day, he was able to pass away at home in his own bed with most of the family around him. Only my brother and I were not there. I did talk to him on the phone as my sister held the phone to his ear, which helped me. Yes, I did know the Rose was a good stone for grieving. I didn't pick it up for that reason though--I just know whenever I am down and feeling sad, that the rose makes me feel good again. Like I said above, Rose is like a good friend. I think I grabbed it because I needed her comfort, which she did give to me.

celticnoodle, thanks so much for all the wonderful information and personal sharing about your experiences with Rose Quartz. Sorry to hear about your Dad, it is good to know that this is a comforting stone during times of grief though.
:) thank you too, Wildchilde. Rose is truly a wonderful stone.


I know what CN means about "rose" being a good friend. When the rose quartz just didn't seem to be doing enough and wildchidle stumbled across the rhodolite...I was going to just take the rhodolite and then I decided to bring the rose quartz too. And it was just what I needed because I never felt more like me : ) And as I work through some of the other crystals I'm glad to know both "roses" are there for me if I need them.

LOL I feel more of a "bond" with this crystal than any of the others I've worked with so far.


Rose Quartz (Pendulum) experience

I'm not an avid user of crystals, so my experiences with them is quite limited. However, a couple nights ago my Rose Quartz pendulum finally arrived in the mail. It's a tiny little thing and I am almost questioning myself on whether it's the real crystal/rock/stone or not. Being purchased from a Chinese seller on eBay, I can't help but feel a little concerned about authenticity of the item.

Well, I decided to give it a whirl anyway and tried sleeping with the item under my pillow. This is how I usually proceed with 'connecting' to certain Tarot decks and/or crystals I end up getting. Due to the pendulum being so small though, I kept it inside the original plastic baggy and kept my hand around it (under the pillow) while I slept.

I'm not sure what time I woke up or whether the strange dream I had was before or after the waking, but I found myself lying on my back in bed cold (I seemed to have kicked the blankets off), my pillow fell through the crack between my bed and wall, and I briefly couldn't remember where I was or what had occurred. The only few other times I can remember something similar to this occurring was when I tried to sleep with my Fluorite pendulum and my Apache tears (grief stones) under my pillow [Advice: Don't do it. They don't seem to like each other at all.]

Gaining a moment of lucidity, my hands scrambled around to find the little baggy holding the pendulum. I was afraid it fell onto the floor and maybe broke like my past pendulum. Luckily the baggy was still there and I guess I placed it onto my bedside table before sleeping again. I fell back asleep and the last thing I now recall is my dream of seeing so much pink. Pink roofs seem to pop out at me the most and the brief recollection of two 'online friends' I haven't spoken to in quite some time. In my dream I was deciding to call them on my phone for some reason (I seemed to be seeking help, but the environment was too pink and calm to show so much alarm). I was deciding to call a male friend, but then decided against it and chose to call the male friend's gf. She answered the phone softly with the vague hint of her Wales accent in a somewhat confused/mildly surprised tone. I believe around there was when I finally woke up to my alarm several times.

I understand the Rose quartz's strength is associated with love and emotions, but I think the stone (despite being inside a baggy) helped me remind myself that I shouldn't neglect these two friends. I became quite irritated with them in the past for their overly lovey-dovey behavior online (and on Facebook), so much to the point I cut all ties of talking to them entirely. Maybe the stone helped to remind me of my jealous behavior towards them? I'm not sure yet, but this is probably one of my more recognizable experience with crystals. I'm curious to see what the rose quartz will offer me next.

Kudos to you if you read this far :p


OMG love, love, love all the pink : ) One of rose quartz qualities is to heal the heart and so maybe why you dreamed of these two your heart still needed healing.

I hope the rose quartz didn't cause all the commotion with your blanket and pillow : )


OMG love, love, love all the pink : ) One of rose quartz qualities is to heal the heart and so maybe why you dreamed of these two your heart still needed healing.

I hope the rose quartz didn't cause all the commotion with your blanket and pillow : )

I forgot to mention I fell asleep wearing a pink tank top and pajamas bottom... >.>


Last year, I was going through a lot of heartache, so you'd think that I ought to have been more attracted to the comforting quality of rose quartz. Except what happened instead was that I fell out of love with it. I really used to think it was very pretty, but I started to look at it as just "alright" and kind of "meh" it seemed boring, dull, and generic even... I think that, deep down, perhaps I just wasn't ready to fully embrace its loving, healing energy.

I didn't have a lot of rose quartz - only a few small tumbled pieces and a pair of earrings which I didn't wear often.. Well lately, I've become really, really drawn to rose quartz all of the sudden! I am feeling much better in general. But I think that I'm becoming more and more delighted by rose quartz because I think there is some important heart-focused healing work I need to embark on with myself, and I think that rose quartz is coming back into my life for that reason... Really, I just want to bathe in rose quartz all of a sudden!

I tend to gravitate toward larger crystals and stones because I feel they've generally been more powerful and comforting for me, so I wasn't expecting much from this one tiny piece of rose quartz that I have because it's so small (it's like the size of a nickel). But I had a really bad headache and I needed to relax and meditate anyway, so I decided it was worth a shot... and WOW!!

...That tiny pale pink rose quartz (which I actually balanced on my head lol) did wonders! I focused on opening myself to receiving love, and I sat with my palms facing upward, staying aware of the crystal while also visualizing light flowing through my body, draining negativity into the Earth. My hands actually went very numb and tingly! It felt very intense - almost TOO intense (I had to reaffirm to myself that nothing was wrong)! I kind of felt a rocking sensation too, like as if I were on a boat... But it actually cured my headache (which is a marvelous thing for me because I have struggled with headaches all my life) so I was rather pleased! I felt good after... but I do wonder why I experienced that sort of vertigo though? Is there something I should pair with rose quartz perhaps? or should I just let it do its work alone?

Needless to say, I've got a bigger chunk of it on its way to me, and I'm very excited! I hope we'll get along! I can't wait to keep working with rose quartz... :heart:

Briar Rose

To all the Rose Quartz aficionados:


  • Quartz wrapped in Rose Quartz.jpg
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