Marseilles Seekers Thread (Third Exercise)


Marseille Camoin deck pip interps

Ok-- here we go-- the cards will be as drawn from the deck-

8 cups- a bridge with a barrier in the middle- 2 people standing on opposite sides facing away
5 cups- i felt this was lke giving someone the odds of 3:2 -

6 cups- level playing game, all is fair

cavalier de coupe- what am i doing with this cup? ie-- what am i going to do with whatever is this precious thing i have in my life

7 pentacles- out of everything i have done- only one thing matters!

3 pentacles: I am throwing one of my hats into the ring-- i'm keeping my other two out of it--

7 swords: I wonder what happens when i prick the ballon of helium ego?

6 swords: i am happy in my ego balloon--

ace of cups--- being crowned

4 swords: ( have to think abit pn this one)

9 wands: you have the base of a beautifully weaved basket- weave on--

cavalier d'epee: I have flown over deserts riding my horse--i have it in me to go farther

5 wands: x marks this spot-- you are here and holding firm

5 pentacles: a car with 5 wheels-- feeling like a spare wheel!!

valet de baton: hmm-- I wonder what this stick feels like to touch- acknowledge the sense of touch and vibration in living objects

9 pentacles: choosing sides-- do i go where its blossoming or do i go where it needs nurturing?

cavalier baton: now that I have been given the ackowldegement- how do i maintain it---

3 cups: i want to be at the top!!

cavalier de deniers: I see feel and almost touch the gold..

ace deniers: mandala of prosperity

3 swords: big fish in small pond

4 deniers: 4 pillars of a fortress guarding the baby phoenix- protecting the precious

2 deniers: gears of a mountain bike-- know to change to which gear at which incline

reyne deniers: just another oversized brooch-- let me play boule with it-- amybe that'll snap me out of boredom

roy d'epee: what are u looking at ??

reynee d'epee: i'm looking at you, silly-- besides I am pregant and have sword-- u only have a sword!!

reyne de baston: I have carried the weight of this club on my shoulders--a break would be nice

7 cups: a lonely person on a bridge-

8 swords: we are at a hppy balance- the war is balanced on both sides

4 wands: this is no go--

stop here now--

continue in abit--



It seems this was easier the second time through the deck.

It still got aggravating though.

I only did pips, not courts.

4 coins, guardianship, two thirds of any given project
Ace Coins, boilerplate, rising sun
7 coins, impatience, stubbornness, hung out to dry
Ace Cups, house and home, houseplant, flying saucer
7 cups, openmouthed surprise, shock, boxed gift set
3 cups, unevenness, interplay, Communion cup
3 swords, upright revered, military man
5 swords, colorful, protected, pillar of support
10 coins, small amount, pepperoni pizza
9 cups, moving back to center, release, many choices during shopping
4 swords, keeping fit, a long car ride
10 swords, sometimes not always, change of plans
8 coins, dancing, balancing, leaves to a book
2 coins, decorative, ostentatious, changing a tire, a motorcycle
7 cups, repetitive, more of the same, unoriginal, boredom
2 cups, playful puppies, secrets, simple things in life, heating pad, remedy
3 wands, free, choices, greetings or salutations, job interview
9 wands, egg breakfast, centered, focused, smell of a campfire
5 coins, uneven, blended, opposites, religion, gift
7 wands, encroaching, hollow tube, making in frenzy, brake light
3 coins, upside down, gardening, wheel, fancy car
10 wands, virulent, plank from an old barn, ears of corn, steeple
8 wands, chastity, wings, springtime, birds
8 swords, rounded, hard of hearing, griping or complaining, curve ahead
Ace wands, fancy dress, rain, success, gallantry
2 swords, cooperation but first clashing, all ten fingers and toes, food
9 coins, coming out ahead, competition, striving, squeaky, voluptuous
6 wands, empty, in the past, olden, forgotten, blood
Ace Swords, listening, brainstorming, big hat, Easter
5 cups, rose petal, median or mean
4 wands, box, crease or wrinkle, seeping out, losing weight
6 cups, equidistance, movement forward and or backwards, mixed up
10 cups, final piece of the puzzle, no secrets, too much
8 swords, talent, too many, fingernail file
7 swords, probing, investigating, procrastinating
2 wands, stop sign, florists cut flowers, business associate
6 coins, revolution, as a tire, trip to the mechanic
6 swords, stop and go, red light green light, childs game, growing up too fast
4 cups, returned phone call or voicemail message, risk taking
5 wands, in an orderly fashion, pleasing the masses

Hooked on TdM

Well I think I've got as many as I'm going to get. I didn't do mine per card but per suit. I have a few exceptions but I'll list those.

Candlesticks, lanterns, hourglass, planters, urns, goblets, ceiling lights, stackable Tupperware, wheels with axles, lamps, flowers, X-mas trees, stools, trophys, foozeball guys, human shape, bridge, fish, gravestones, statues, potluck dishes.

VI: Dividing people (think two team lines)
III: Tower (any tower we see.. but I thought mostly about the Paris one.)

Trees, poles, fences, gates, torches, crossing signs, bramble, basket weave, crosses, sticks, band aids, baby gate, coffee table, drum sticks, intersections, sledge hammer, clock positions, trampoline, foundation, tractor accessories, banister, toothbrush.

Even Number's: Towels crossing a back.

Baseball bats, trumpets, sling shots, eyes, spears, canes, vagina, gateways, arches, well, rabbit snare, riding crop, umbrella, cigarette, ski pole, cave opening, gopher hole, cast, surgical incision, sleeping bag.

Sun, bowls, planets, flower pots, stepping stones, ping pong balls, golf balls, seeds, lily pads, table, fan belt, ball room dancers, frisbees, North Star, medallion, meeting of people (think board rooms), flag, ring, pulley, twister mat, bobbing for apples, head dress (Native), tiara.



EnriqueEnriquez said:

PLEASE, keep participating here as long as you feel comfortable doing it. I would love f you post your own list.

EE, thank you for inviting me to participate here! Here's my list:

I took all the pips and lined them up randomly in several rows and wrote my synonyms and phrases down for the cards as they came to me, removing and rearranging the cards as I went along, until I had completed them (except I just realized that I'm missing one). Here's what I came up with:

* Two of Batons: Railroad sign
* Two of Swords: Bug in a jar
* Four of Coins: Family crest
* Nine of Swords: Accupuncture
* Ace of Cups: Palace
* Ace of Batons: A big stick held over someone
* Ten of Swords: Truce
* Five of Batons: Tap dancer
* Eight of Coins: Gear system
* Six of Cups: Feather duster
* Eight of Batons: Basket
* Three of Cups: A wish come true
* Five of Cups: Falling in love
* Ace of Swords: Plate spinner at the fair
* Seven of Coins: Jukebox
* Ten of Cups: Steamroller
* Six of Batons: Children on a trampoline
* Three of Batons: Throbbing injury
* Four of Batons: Surgery
* Nine of Coins: Door
* Ace of Coins: Dinner plate
* Three of Coins: An eavesdropper
* Ten of Coins: Snowfall
* Eight of Cups: Drinks all around
* Nine of Batons: Ready to shoot
* Seven of Cups: Monkey in the middle
* Six of Batons: Wilted enthusiasm
* Seven of Swords: Read between the lines
* Five of Swords: Blood draw
* Two of Cups: Pregnant with twins
* Two of Coins: Going in two directions at once
* Eight of Batons: Big by a bug
* Seven of Batons: Newfound ability to communicate
* Three of Swords: It takes two
* Five of Coins: Feeling ganged up upon
* Six of Coins: Highs and lows of fortune
* Ten of Batons: Talking out of both ends
* Four of Swords: Error in focus
* Nine of Cups: Archery competition


mosaica said:
LOL. I think it's more "crackers" to memorize or systemize meanings, but I suppose that is the "normal" way of doing things in today's culture, if meaning is appreciated at all.

Agreed. I think it started as a sales gimmick: "I am a psychic/adept/whatever because I say so and this is THE method, these are THE interpretations, etc. etc."

The problem is, it's a lot more fluid than that. Sometimes, as we've seen here, a Baton isn't "Creation, invention, enterprise, etc." Sometimes it's an aorta. Or something else entirely.

... I hope no one minds if I chime in here every once in a while. I'm the eleventh participant, the ghost of the group. :)
EnriqueEnriquez said:
PLEASE, keep participating here as long as you feel comfortable doing it.

Seconded. :D


I find it interesting that we were all able to shake off the RWS or Thoth interps that we have spent years memorizing! We just surrendered to the process of the task set for us and we dreamt up all manner of interesting things to say about the cards. Who would have thought we would see a tap dancer or a pepperoni pizza???

I have spent today thinking about this process and I understand now why I have heard others say that reading with the Marseille is a very freeing process. This exercise shows us that the only limit that we have imposed upon us is the limit we might set upon ourselves, but that with an open mind and faith, and the context of the question if one is provided, we have the ability to see limitless images with in the border of the card. And beyond that when we make the creative leaps that are the magic of reading.

All of this, and it is only Tuesday!

Oh, and I almost forgot, Sir Umbrae Draco sent me a copy of the Castle of Crossed Destinies. It arrived today. What a wonderful book! I tell you I cannot stop thinking about the Marseille images...all of a sudden I feel as if a key has turned in my mind, and a door has opened. It is strange, but beautiful at the same time. And the sense of familiarity I had when I looked at the Calvino book was strange as well.

It was a good day.


Satori said:
I find it interesting that we were all able to shake off the RWS or Thoth interps that we have spent years memorizing! ... I have spent today thinking about this process and I understand now why I have heard others say that reading with the Marseille is a very freeing process.

I've been thinking about this, too, and about how (so far) EE's exercises can really be done with any deck. After months of doing daily draws with different decks, I've found that you can really see just about anything in any type of card. If it doesn't match the popular RWS or Thoth meaning, so what? Tarot reading for me is no longer about being "right."

At this point, though, I'm really not interested in looking at RWS- or Thoth-based images anymore, no matter how creatively or beautifully they are done. Most decks are the same pictures of the same meanings over and over, or just a slightly different take each time. Not to be negative about RWS decks, but they have come to feel limiting to me.

So why am I suddenly so interested in the "basic, ugly, old" Marseille, in which the images change even less between decks? I've been puzzling over this question a little bit. I think it's because there are so few people trying to tell me exactly what the Marseille images mean (and when they do, they usually give options, rather than prescriptions). I don't feel bound by any one person's theories about the pictures, and (most wonderful of all) the pictures themselves don't bind me to any particular interpretation. Because it is so open, the Marseille opens the door to a regular practice of "re-visioning" the world. And there's no need to buy yet another new deck to do it. I feel imaginatively, intellectually, and monetarily freed! :)



Hi mosaica - welcome. I Third you. (2 Cups, love it!)

Well, had another go. Only reached this far.... will continue with the rest later.

2 Swords, Stained glass skylight
4 Wands, Duck-boards over marshy land
10 Cups, Class of wide-eyed kids with a dominating teacher
10 Wands, Opposing teams locked in battle, Respective overseeing commanders at a distance
2 Cups, Tree, Two birds eating top-most fruit, Gardeners below looking up
10 Coins, Stepping stones across streams
6 Swords, Sets of stairs leading down into an arena. Lady singing lustily down there
8 Wands, Crossed weaving shuttles
2 Wands, People waving to each other across a barred path
8 Coins, Frogging on a fancy coat
7 Coins, Wine glass with cherry in it, A toast among small group of friends
3 Coins, Plant-like alien with one eye & two mouths, A triffid

Ran out of time here.....

I've yet to see a cup of coffee, gonna have one now.

Bee :)

EDITED: Only comas left now.


mosaica said:
Because it is so open, the Marseille opens the door to a regular practice of "re-visioning" the world. And there's no need to buy yet another new deck to do it. I feel imaginatively, intellectually, and monetarily freed! :)


You just made my day. :)
