The Musical Qabalah Kalender


The Sephira on the Tree of Life correspond to the long months of the year in reverse order, as well as the musical notes Do to Do. Between Do and Re, for instance, there is a whole note, that is, there is a half-note [black key] on the piano [I am not familiar witj musical terms]. I have given these black keys names. The sequence runs Do Ar Re Im Mi Fa Los So El La Is Si Do. The first Do is Kether, the second Malkuth, that is, Kether on a higher octave. The rest of the list runs like this:

Re is Chokmah
Mi is Binah
Fa is Chesed
Los is Tiphareth
So is Geburah
La is Netzach
Is is Yesod
Si is Hod

As you will see, there is only a half-note between Mi and Fa - this is the Abyss. This is why Binah cannot be reached directly from Chesed, but must go through Tiphareth: for between Mi and Los there is a whole note. The same goes for the path between Hod and Malkuth: one must go via Yesod.

The months of the year are as follows:

J 31
F 28
M 31
A 30
M 31
J 30
J 31
A 31
S 30
O 31
N 30
D 31

If we reverse these it reads:

D 31
N 30
O 31
S 30
A 31
J 31
J 30
M 31
A 30
M 31
F 28
J 31

If we place the Sephira and the musical notes beside these it runs:

D 31 Do Kether
N 30 Ar
O 31 Re Chokmah
S 30 Im
A 31 Mi Binah
J 31 Fa Chesed
J 30 Los Tiphareth
M 31 So Geburah
A 30 El
M 31 La Netzach
F 28 Is Yesod
J 31 Si Hod

The old December, the December of the old year, is Malkuth, the new Kether, - Do on a higher octave. I came to this reversal because of the reverse order of the astrological Ages: after Pisces, Aquarius, instead of the other way round. But all this is only the basis for what I came here to say; pray ponder on it.



To complete the list, I should add the key-color on the piano.

D 31 white Do Kether
N 30 black Ar none
O 31 white Re Chokmah
S 30 black Im none
A 31 white Mi Binah
J 31 white Fa Chesed
J 30 black Los Tiphareth
M 31 white So Geburah
A 30 black El none
M 31 white La Netzach
F 28 black Is Yesod
J 31 white Si Hod
D 31 white Do Malkuth