Sacred Circle Study Group


I'm in! Just had my SC out the other day...poor thing has been so neglected lately.



I am interested but I am involved in many other studies at the moment. Perhaps I can post 'as and when' rather than feel committed every time. Is that OK?

J :)


Sure thing J :)


I love this deck so count me in too. Bit like Jewel-ry, can't promise to post on every card, but would like to chip in when I can....


PS Just started Anna Franklin's "Personal Power" book...a course in weekly sections....anyone else used this?


I would love to participate in this study group....
how many people do we need to start one?

:) Luna


Without a doubt, I will be in as soon as I receive my deck.



Luna, I think we can pretty much start at anytime, a headcount really isn't necessary. I just wanted one for my own sanity, to make sure I wasn't doing this alone. :)

(edit to add the following...)

I pulled a card to see which part of the deck wanted to be studied first. It was the four of swords, so this is the plan. We'll do an overview of each of the suits: Swords, Wands, Cups, and Disks, then do each card within the suit, and then move onto the Major Arcana. Any similarities between cards that you catch, go ahead and bring it up for discussion, it'll certainly shed light on the images.
I'm going to go write down my thoughts on the Swords in general, then post it tonight or tomorrow hopefully. :)


Yes I'm in....:D

We are waiting for the people (like Nitegoddess) to recieve their deck before we start, aren't we?????


Yes, I would hope that you would wait. If not I can just catch up when I recieve my deck. I checked on it today and it is in the MAIL!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! So it all depends on snail mail.