How do I heal a chakra?


Hello all,

I am somewhat of a novice when it comes to actively using crystals. I did a thread search but could not find anything definitive to answer my question.

How does one heal/cleanse/balance a chakra with a crystal (or even essential oils)? It came to me in a dream that I need to balance my 4th chakra. I looked up some chakra stones and I have jade and agate (not moss agate, but a green banded one), rose quartz and clear quartz. Do I place the crystal(s) over my 4th chakra and meditate?

Does it matter that they are smaller stones (not points or pendulums or even paperweight-size)?

I have essential oil of lavender in my personal collection. I also cook up my own oils (including one with cinnamon, rose, and lavender in an olive oil base).

Any suggestions on how I should go about this?

Thank you.



Here is what I know thusfar :

A simple chakra balance is usually lying down with a stone of the appropriate color placed on top of each chakra. This done daily is supposed to strengthen the aura also .

Focusing on a certain chakra that may have a problem , you would probably want to figure out if it was underactive or overactive . Some people use a pendulum for this , or one of the online chakra tests , or by the symptoms you are having . If it is overactive one would not use a stone normally for that chakra , but one that is considered opposite .

You can use any form of stone , but if it is a point you have to consider which way you want the energy to flow and place the point accordingly . The size of the stone shouldn't matter , it's the energy of the individual stone, not the size . Small ones can be very powerful.

Other things people do with chakras are visualizations to clean them out , make them spin in the proper direction , repair any damage to them , etc .

Some people are freaked out by the practice of placing stones on chakras at all , believing them to be too powerful and capable of damage . Others believe that stones by their very nature will not damage us and only benefit us . No certain proof either way of course , one has to go with what one feels is right for oneself .

The number of chakras is usually in dispute also , and will vary from one book or website to another . There are supposed to be more than just the 7 basic ones . Also , chakras have a front and a back side , so some attention to the back is necessary too .

This is a very good site that has some great information -


This is a really informative site, Dark Inquisitor. Thank you for your advice as well!


Dark Inquisitor said:
Here is what I know thusfar :

A simple chakra balance is usually lying down with a stone of the appropriate color placed on top of each chakra. This done daily is supposed to strengthen the aura also .

Focusing on a certain chakra that may have a problem , you would probably want to figure out if it was underactive or overactive . Some people use a pendulum for this , or one of the online chakra tests , or by the symptoms you are having . If it is overactive one would not use a stone normally for that chakra , but one that is considered opposite .

You can use any form of stone , but if it is a point you have to consider which way you want the energy to flow and place the point accordingly . The size of the stone shouldn't matter , it's the energy of the individual stone, not the size . Small ones can be very powerful.

Other things people do with chakras are visualizations to clean them out , make them spin in the proper direction , repair any damage to them , etc .

Some people are freaked out by the practice of placing stones on chakras at all , believing them to be too powerful and capable of damage . Others believe that stones by their very nature will not damage us and only benefit us . No certain proof either way of course , one has to go with what one feels is right for oneself .

The number of chakras is usually in dispute also , and will vary from one book or website to another . There are supposed to be more than just the 7 basic ones . Also , chakras have a front and a back side , so some attention to the back is necessary too .

This is a very good site that has some great information -


I like to place a stone on each of the chakras and close my eyes for a while, leaving the stones to balance them out.

I also like to do the visualisations where I visualise each chakra from the Root Chakra to the the crown chakra as a nice bright colour of good size (not too big or small), spinning at a nice even pace.

I never know which chakra is more out of balance so I just do them all at the same time or if I want to work with one in particular I will just work on that one.

Briar Rose

I read that holding a pendulum over the Chakras helps them align and spin the way they are suppose to .


Rose Quartz and focus on it...cleanse it as you would a gentle tarot deck.

I'd personally do that and use prana.