Oracle and Tarot reading combined...


Hi all!

Such a great thread ...

Just wanted to add something simple I really enjoy doing, which is to add a Crystal Spirits card by Gitama Day as a background to a tarot card. These crystal cards are bigger than tarot cards and so besides looking gorgeous together create a kind of "weather" for the tarot card, like "Motivation" from the Carnelian card, for example. Coupled with Page of Pentacles (have just pulled these two out ;) ) it gives a bit of extra creative oomph to the promising fruition the Page suggests.

I usually use 2 or 3 of these combinations to give a sense of how the energy around a situation will change, and also an idea of what to use for balancing a given situation (as crystal cards tend to suggest something positive).

Just got another combination: Diaptase/Inner Riches with Queen of Pentacles. In one of the tarot decks I'm using at the moment (Shadowscapes this Queen is holding what looks like a green glowing gem in her hands. The rich, fine detail of this card coupled with the general sphere of green Dioptase background crystal card seems to amplify the richness of the meaning in this case.

At other times, interesting challenges to the otherwise "feel-good" crystal environment occur. Charoite/Receptivity with Nine of Swords shows one might be too open to worry and stress from others, for example.

Just something simple I thought I'd share.

[No affiliation with these decks. Just two of my favourites]


Nice - I just had a click and got Clear Quartz :cool3:. Using combinations of decks can throw up the really amazing coincidences, it's like giving whoever/whatever works the oracle much better material to work with.