My Dream Lenormand


I believe that might be the Rider?

Oh! I never thought of a rhinoceros being a suitable option for delivering news, nor a pre-pubescent girl representing an athletic young man. I guess I would need a more fanciful imagination to be able to use this deck.


As long as I can visualize movement, Tag

I see the Rider as delivering news, usually quickly. I like the man on a horse, but at least if there is a person I can see in movement, I'm good :). It's about the movement and the person for me. But anything stationary so just doesn't really do that for me.

I'm with you liking a man on a horse as a first choice!



Perhaps the idea (for me anyway) would be in the rhino's POINT or horn. When a message is delivered, a point is or will be made. A male or female rider makes no difference to me.


Lenormand cards are not only used for telling the future, they are also used in other ways including describing people and their physical characteristics, and relate to other cards within their traditional meanings. The Snake is historically used as the lover of a feminine same-sex pair; the Snake also describes a woman who wears glasses and is rather aloof and quite intelligent as well as meaning betrayal and circuitous things -- pipes, winding roads, etc. The Rider is historically used as the lover of a masculine same-sex pair as well as describing an athletic young man. Sometimes even meaning a horse.

Card illustrations that diverge from traditional meanings hamper the learning process of new readers, or take them in a totally different direction that leaves the language of Lenormand and enters the world of an oracle. Which may work for some people but in that case, why bother with Lenormand in the first place? When you have fanciful portrayals of various Lenormand cards they mislead at best and at worst are no longer Lenormand. JMHO.


I agree traditional works best for me, Tag

While not all Lenormand readers read the same, I do think more standard images are what most think of as Lenormand. Like you said, why call something Lenormand that doesn't follow a certain route.

I think it does make it more difficult for someone learning to start with a deck that is a beat off the beaten path.

So while I do think this particular Lenormand and, many others, have lovely artwork, I just don't think of them as Lenormand.

But then I know some who make Lenormands don't read Lenormand, or are quite new to it, and perhaps that might be part of the issue.

The Happy Squirrel

After I last posted here about this deck, I had a flurry of developments in my life. So I reached for my Lenormand deck. Something I have not done in a long time due to another personal event. This deck was at the top on the pile so I grabbed it. I have to say that for a beginner, this is indeed NOT the deck to use. I mistaken so many of its cards for something else, like the "House" card here has a huge cloud over it so I thought I was looking at the "Cloud" card. The "man" card looks like the "heart", and the "woman" has a "child" in it so I was not sure what I was looking at. There are various other things. I feel that perhaps a second edition is in order, with A LOT of image revision. Now that might be a really good deck to have and to use :)