Picture only decks - Searching!!!


This is a last chance desperate try!

My first experience with tarot/oracle decks was about 12 years ago when I was I. Middle school. Went to a friends house, and her mom pulled out a deck and let me do a read for her. Having never seen a deck before it was a purely intuitive read and it was strikingly accurate, she was pretty shocked. Anyways, I have been searching for this deck and can't find it!

Here's what I remember - it's not much
I'm assuming it was an oracle deck
I don't think there were any words on the cards
They were much larger than standard tarot cards,
I *think* there was a boarder
I feel like I remember an ocean or sea theme, maybe ships or something.

And that's it! Not much to go off of. But I want to find it so bad! I think the biggest clue to finding it is that it was around circa 2001/2002

If anyone has any ideas I'd LOVE to see if they can lead me to the deck!!


Have you contacted your friend? That would seem to be the best bet.


Since the title of this thread is Picture Only decks, i had to post about:

Waterhouse Oracle by sevenstars, which is a picture [painting] only deck..

Here is a great Youtube review:


It is too new to be the one you are looking for specifically, Magunda89, but
it IS a picture only oracle deck. :)


How about Soul Cards? They were first published in '96 so would have been around when you first saw them but they are borderless. There are two volumes, published separately.