The Sassy She Oracle


This deck is intriguing. It feels like a very modern feminist oracle deck that would be lots of fun to own.. I haven't seen anything like it that I am aware of. What do you all think about this one? What are your favorite feminist/female centered oracle decks?


Goddess Oracle wise, i have 3 favorites:

Goddess Oracle by Amy Sophia Marashinsky & Hrana Janto

Faces of WomanSpirit:A Celtic Oracle of Avalon:


WomanSpirit Oracles Set:

Unfortunately, i couldn't find any good pics of that ^ one.
If you'd like, i could take a few of mine...

Oooh, i almost forgot---my all time favorite is
13 Moons:: A Journey Through the Archtypal Faces of the Divine Feminine by Ariel Spilsbury--HUGE boxed Set--comes with a deck, gorgeous book, several guided Meditiation CD's, a Game Board--and even more...
It is expensive but so worth it. You can get it cheaper at their website...much more expensive anywhere
else i have seen.

Oh and i just found out there is now a smaller deck only-- available for only $33! That is very
exciting news to me!

The 13 Moon Oracle Cards
"Finally, there is a purse sized 13 Moon Oracle edition for doing readings and finding guidance on the go!

The 13 Moon Oracle Cards are more than just another deck. They are a portal into expanded states of consciousness through archetypal resonance. Evoking energies from the Divine Feminine Mysteries, this “oracle” invites you to find your guidance within, rather than relying solely on external prescriptions. The 39 beautiful cards are lenses through which you can access your own Soul Essence and understand your individual part in the greater whole of the Cosmos.

Ariel Spilsbury, is the co-author of The Mayan Oracle and author of The 13 Moon Oracle: Holographic Meditations on the Mystery, The Sacred Marriage Within, and The Alchemy Of Ecstasy: Initiates Guide to the Goddess’ Mysteries. Ariel is a planetary midwife and an archetypal agent for transformation."

You can purchase it here: [It is towards the bottom of the page [$33]


This deck is intriguing. It feels like a very modern feminist oracle deck that would be lots of fun to own.. I haven't seen anything like it that I am aware of. What do you all think about this one? What are your favorite feminist/female centered oracle decks?

Yes, it looks to be lots of fun. You are a dangerous influence aquestionmark, not that I've succumbed yet. Are you very tempted?


Yes, it looks to be lots of fun. You are a dangerous influence aquestionmark, not that I've succumbed yet. Are you very tempted?

i have to admit i don't care for it...

Maybe it will grow on me...

But i tend to doubt it. :p

It reminds me of a deck i saw a long time ago...
can't remember what it was.


Yes, it looks to be lots of fun. You are a dangerous influence aquestionmark, not that I've succumbed yet. Are you very tempted?

Ha, yes, I have purchased a deck and patiently await its arrival!

i have to admit i don't care for it...

Maybe it will grow on me...

But i tend to doubt it. :p

It reminds me of a deck i saw a long time ago...
can't remember what it was.

I can totally see where this deck could be less than appealing for some. It is like a mix of tattooesque and cartoonish (totally not real words...). I think this is what draws me to the deck because it is so loud and colorful which is definitely not my own personality. I am such an introvert. I'm not quite sure how I plan to use this deck yet but I enjoy the author's message and intentions behind the deck. I'm thinking it will bring out some interesting journaling and creative writing exercises. I am very excited to work with these cards.

If you happen to remember the deck you're envisioning, let us know, now I am curious...


i will try and remember, but right now i can't...

But aquestionmark, you might like Rachel Paul's new deck in Tarot Decks...sorry
i know we are in Oracles...but you might want to hop over there and check out
the Sacred Bridges Tarot....
i have a feeling you might really like it...


This deck is intriguing. It feels like a very modern feminist oracle deck that would be lots of fun to own.. I haven't seen anything like it that I am aware of. What do you all think about this one? What are your favorite feminist/female centered oracle decks?

There is something really alive and vibrant about this deck. And it's not just the colour palette. I'm curious to know how you get on with this one.

I've got several Goddess-oriented decks including the above-mentioned Marashinsky and the AFWO both of which I like. I also have the Vintage Wisdom Oracle which while different from my usual inclinations I quite like. It's a very gentle deck. And also Oracle of the Grail Code.

I've got my eye on the Dark Goddess Tarot currently. And though I only own one deck by her, I'm finding Julie Cuccia-Watts's work and vision powerfully supportive of the Feminine.

Le Fanu

It reminds me of a deck i saw a long time ago...
can't remember what it was.
I wonder if you're thinking about that Gypsy Palace Tarot (?) Same sort of colours. It also has similar colours to that Isabel (?) thingy Lenormand. The one with the saucy whip card. Can anyone help me? I can picture it...

As for this one, I can be dignified and say ... er ... well it's not directed at people like me so I can't possibly be expected to like it.


As for this one, I can be dignified and say ... er ... well it's not directed at people like me so I can't possibly be expected to like it.

Amusement here over your oblique self-description and the ensuing trajectory...

This deck has stayed with me all day. I think I want it.