Spirit Vision is now Posted


Death is a good card, for the earth and world ones it bothers me a bit that the centre is not round, but oval.



I hope you do finish the deck. I keep coming back to this thread to look at the images again. I know nothing about fractal images but as you say they are mathematical, do they have anything to do with Sacred Geometry?



Don't worry about the # of Stars given, a deck is usually bought by response people have to the visuals. You can submit the finished deck several other places & maybe get different reviews, then point people to the one you like the best. But don't sweat it right now. Most people buy by gut feeling after they see the cards.


Spirit Vision

Thank you all again for the helpful comments. :)

M-Press - I called Paint Shop Pro Tech Support. They said I can't increase the quality of an imported image. I could make it bigger which would increase res but it won't add quality so when I put it back down to the correct size the res would go back to where it is now. If I could begin the image creation in Psp then I could make it whatever resolution I want... so therein lies my problem.
Not sure what else I can do at this point as there is no way to increase the res in my fractal programs. They are more geared for the math I suppose. Perhaps it will just have to be a digital only deck.

Patter - Thank you for your comments. I don't expect everyone to like each card; however, everyone does seem to agree with you about liking the Death one so far. It is also my personal favorite. Another of my favorites is one I haven't posted, Heirophant.

Moonbow - I do not beleive Sacred Geometry is involved with the Fractal program generations... at least not directly. Unfortunately I don't know enough to try to directly include it either.

HudsonGray - Thanks for the support and great tips. :) I am kind of feeling down at the moment about my resolution problems... not knowing if they could ever have a decent printing or not... It's looking like not. In any case I am certainly learning a LOT.

Thanks again to everyone for letting me know your thoughts and ideas. :)


Re: Spirit Vision

SkyDancer1111 said:
I am kind of feeling down at the moment about my resolution problems...
OK...don't feel down...
there are a few ways you can increase resolution to an image...
one is step by step-a, a bit at a time, in a few stages...
Since your images are not photo based, you might have a chance here...
If you enlarge a low res photo into big, then you get huge pixel-like looking pic...
But your stuff is different, so you need to experiment with filters maybe, and see how it looks. You may enlarge the image, and the add a "Sharpen Edges" filter, which might turn out decent looking.
Another idea, is to make the size of the image much bigger than print size, so when you reduce it, it will be more high res...
can you do THAT in your fractal prog?
Whatever the case, there ARE SOLUTIONS for problems like this...especially since YOU create the image from scratch in oppose to photographing something...
don't give up, and call all the support centers if you need to...
this is your path-to solve this---Good luck! :)


Thanks M-Press. I'll keep on keeping on. :)



Whatever you do, DON'T give up! I am sure you will be able to figure out how to improve the resolution and get this deck to the point that you are satisfied with it...even though it may not seem that way right now.

On a personal note, I think there is something unique and appealing about these images, which I have not seen in any other tarot or oracle decks. I like the idea of looking into one of your cards and letting my eyes follow the lines of color into another dimension........PERFECT for meditation! I think they would work better as oracle cards rather than tarot, and I don't mind the keywords. To me, when I see a keyword on the card, I think of it more as a suggestion; instead I try to look at the image and figure out the message that speaks to me....

Here is another thought: why not call them Intuition Cards, with the idea being that the reader comes up with his/her own meanings for the cards??? Your LWB, instead of assigning meanings to the cards, would suggest exercises for the person to identify his/her own personal connection and interpretation of each card???

Whatever you decide to do, I hope you continue with this project, and I would definitely be interested in purchasing your deck, in whatever format they become....

Best luck to you!
:) Karen


Oh, your timing!

Oh my gosh Luna, what timing you have! I've been despairing the last couple of days over them. That's for sure. But, then I am the typical artist type... kinda moody. It really doesn't look like I can increase the resolution on them anymore than I already have. People that know more than I do keep telling me it can be done... but maybe I am not the one to do it?! I just don't know how, even after calling the tech people (who said it can't be done....)

Also, my trial version of Paint Shop Pro will be running out in a week or so and it involves a bundle of money to actually buy it. Since, no one else seems to use it for creating their cards, I really don't know if it would be a wise choice to spend the money on it
or not. I am all in a conundrum and you caught me wondering if I should just give them up or put them on hold.

I am just being my usual moody self. I am sure I will eventually finish them. At this point, I am just not sure when that will be. I've been putting off working on more because of the resolution problem; however, maybe I should just finish them and think of them as a digital only deck. I just don't know.

I do like your idea about them being an intuition deck. What you described is exactly how I've been coming up with the keywords anyway! lol. Just zoning inside and within the images til the words come in my head.


Hi Skydancer!

Glad you read my message "just in time" ;) ha ha

Don't give up on them, not right now. Maybe, as you said, just put them on hold for awhile. Sometimes it helps to take a break from something and come back to it with a fresh perspective. Also, you mentioned that the software you are borrowing is too expensive to buy right now...I would say don't bury yourself in debt, which will only make things worse (I speak from experience).

Please bear with me, as I am not very familiar (at all) with the type of software you are using. But I am just wondering....is there any possible way to finish/print the deck without changing the resolution? I am just wondering if there is any way to make the adjustments in a different way, without compromising the quality of the images???

I don't know...if not, then maybe putting it on hold for awhile would be the best thing to do right now. Do you have any other projects or ideas that you might want to focus on???

Whatever you decide to do, I hope you won't get too discouraged. You have some real talent, and I think your idea would be perfectly suited to a set of intuition/oracle cards!

:) Luna


Thx for the insights Luna! :) I really have no idea if they could have a good printing without changing the resolution. I doubt it but I don't know. I could still finish them up as a digital type deck with no intention of printing. The only way to really know for sure is if a publisher (with their good printers) try to print one and see what happens. That hasn't happened yet so.... I don't know. lol.

I do have another idea for another tarot/oracle project (Round Kaleidescopes!) but since it also involves the use of the fractal program... right now I would have the same issues to contend with. My hubby also had another idea for the fractals. I created some Spirit Arts for and for some of his co-workers. They were pleased with them so hubby suggested I offer those through ebay as desktop images.

Paint shop pro isn't too aweful bad to buy... around $100. I'm just whining because it is still a chunk for me to spend. Adobe illustrator is far out of my range though... that one runs about 1k from what i hear. lol.

My other projects are all non-tarot/oracle related. I do attunements, metaphysical consultation and give readings as well as maintain my website... that is a project in itself! I keep busy. hehe.

Thanks again!

~ Blessings, Love, Light & Chocolates! ~