My basic five-card spread

Richard Pickman

Here is my basic five-card spread, which can be used for a “general” or “open” reading, or to get insight into a specific issue.

Five cards in a straight line, left to right


Card meanings:

1. Past
2. Past underlying factor OR recent past
3. Present
4. Future underlying factor OR near future
5. Possible future or outcome

How I read cards 2 and 4 depends on the overall impression that I get for the spread.

I’m fairly new to tarot and so far have only read for myself, but reading the cards in this manner seems to be pretty effective for me. It usually just feels right, and from what I have gathered, intuition is as important as “book meanings”.

I have seen the five-card spread elsewhere as: past, recent past, present, near future, future. Obviously my version is very close to that, the difference being the option of more flexibility of interpretation of cards 2 and 4.

I hope that I am not being redundant with this post. I did spend some time looking through the forum and have not found anything exactly like it.

Any feedback is welcome!