2 of wands-4 of pentacles in a relationship reading

lucky 1

Okay....I have an old flame that I had not seen in some time.....She left the state.....started a new career....has a live in boyfriend...etc....

She is someone who once meant a lot to me and I have never forgotten her....we were sooo good together...but there were issue relating to ..lets say, youth and immaturity.......recently on a business trip to another city I ran into her....it was like we were never apart! Smiling...talking...catching up..

That was 6 months ago and I can't stop thinking about her....we are both older and way more mature now (me!)....

Since that meeting, she's on my mind constantly and I will say that when I dug around on social media and found her....and when I saw a photo of her with her current boyfriend....I felt intensely jealous!

After having many dreams of her the last few months....I decided to get the cards out and just do simple "ask a question" and do simple one or two card draws with perhaps a 3rd card to add some information.....to see what turned up in relation to her and I....I am a novice reader by the way.

After many of these types of draws over a couple of months time....asking questions like...."will she and I ever find ourselves in a position that we could get back together".....at least a few times i asked...."will we ever have sex again" ( what can i say....I liked it with her a lot!)

Some definite patterns have show up.......I have repeatedly pulled the 2 of wands....more than once I've pulled the 4 of pentacles.......pulling two's...s has been unbelievably consistent...weirdly consistent!

2 weeks ago I pulled 3 cards....again with the 2 of wands.....and the 4 of pentacles

Since 2 of wand shows up so often....I find myself thinking that all these particular cards that keep coming up indicate that, yes....we will be together again.....but its going to be quite a while before it happens.....with two of wands...I see a man looking out towards a future destiny.... waiting for that day he dreams about to finally come!

I'm reading 4 of pentacles as building my business...growing my assets and being ready to take advantage of that day when it comes....this is appropriate I think...one of her complaints had been my lack of...lets say.....financial and career advancement....She's a Libra and Libra woman in my experience are not cut out for poverty! They want a man of means who can provide a nice life...they also want a man who will be a real partner.....and of course, the Lovers and two of cups seem pretty obvious.

It's remarkable how often these particular cards have come up.....I even spent a considerable amount of time cutting and shuffling the cards...worried that these cards kept coming up so much because they were stuck in the spot i keep drawing from!

I had not asked the cards any questions about this for more than a week...I decided that if you keep asking the same or similar questions repeatedly....the cards get tired of your whining crap and start throwing out non sensible stuff!

Any input guy's????


Moderator Note

Hi lucky 1,

Please take a moment to read the UTC Posting Rules. While UTC is the correct forum for discussing repeating cards, you need to decide which repeating cards you want to discuss and limit your post to just those cards. Complete readings of any number of cards (one through the whole deck) should be discussed in Your Readings. Your original post is a long jumble of repeating cards and complete readings. Please edit your post to narrow its focus to the two cards you listed in the title. And if you wish to discuss any complete readings, please start a new thread for those in Your Readings (multiple readings on the same subject can be posted in the same thread).

Other posters, please limit replies to just the two cards listed in the title.

rwcarter, co-Moderator of Using Tarot Cards

lucky 1

Okay...I've whittled it down a bit....hope this helps....i think everyone will understand my point....this is bothering me a lot so ANY input would be appreciated!


2 of Wands - Perhaps this card illustrates your passion towards this woman and also the plans you are making to win her back.

4 of Pentacles - This seems to show that you think of this woman as something you can possess, perhaps it also relates to the jealousy you have mentioned.


2W is a card of weighing options - maintain the status quo or strike out for something new and different.

Building a business isn't the first thing I think of where the 4P is concerned, but I can see that interpretation. It can be a card of holding on too tight and in a relationship context that could be smothering. It could also be warning you about fixating on (holding on to) something or someone that isn't yours to hold onto.


lucky 1

RW Carter...Jade Pixie...thank you! I really appreciate any and everyone thoughts on this as it is something that has become very troubling to me....

I can see your point about fixating on someone who's not mine....and currently she certainly is not!

I will say that throughout my life I've had visions from time to time that ultimately have come true....whether I want them to or not........and that little voice back in my subconscious is telling me that she and I are not done...

Anyone else???? Please chime in!!!


Hi Lucky,
I see the 2W representing her decision to move her life in a different direction, ie: new career, different state, new guy. As for the 4P, I agree with Rodney on this one. Fixating on someone who isn't in a relationship with you anymore will cause you unhappiness. Even though you might be convinced that you and she are "not done", if she considers the relationship to be over, the conflict between her "over" and your "not done" will have painful consequences.


I see this combination as courage (2 of wands) to break through fixed structures (4 of pentacles). I personally do not go that much with RWS images since they are only one version, one interpretation. 4 of pentacles is far more complex than simply holding on or being closed.
From what you shared, you are not in touch with this lady, if I understand correctly. 2 of wands is the courage to explore the unknown - and 4 of pentacles is about personal power and integrity (Toth tarot for instance calls 4 of pents 'power'), also about security and fixed frames in which we live, not only materially, but also socially and emotionally.

As I understood, you see this lady 'settled' - she moved on, she has a boyfriend, so this is kind of a 4 of pents moment. Perhaps she represents this stability and structure that you also want in your life, for which you are striving for, as you said. There is a part of your psyche that wants this security and rootedness - but there is a part of you that wants to dare to break free and explore some more (2 of wands).

2 of wands is fire and 4 of pents is earth - they clash, since earth wants to maintain the status quo and order, whilst fire wants to move and seek a new future. So one possible view of this combination is to go for it. Who knows what this lady wants now? In your mind she is settled and fixed, but you'll never know if you don't really ask her or explore.

2 of wands is about going after what you want, is about the courage to also fight for it - it is a Mars card, Mars in Aries which is all about a new beginning and the determination to reach out of that walls...but it is you who has walls, not her, especially if we take into consideration the 4 of pents as well. You decided that she is unavailable, that she has moved on, that the door is closed, and now all you can do is dream about her. But perhaps this is not entirely so.

So the 2/wands may be provoking you to move, go and visit her or seek her out and ask her to meet...explore. Otherwise it all remains a fantasy - and yes, it haunts you. We are always haunted by issues that still linger in out heads because we didn't live them fully. Now you are different, more mature, as you say, she is different - who knows what kind of chemistry and bond is possible now: and 2/wands is also about bonding, it is a card of a pair, of duality. So there is a new challenge for you, presented to you - but 4 of pents may show that you have decided that it is all hopeless or that there is no point since she has moved on and settled.

How do you know? Just because she has a boyfriend? That doesn't mean anything - you don't know what her state truly is. I am not saying that you should go and wreck her relationship, but maybe you need to go and see and have the courage to be open about your feelings. Even if she doesn't respond, the point is that you did it. It will open doors for you - if not with this lady, than with some other, because something will move inside of you. You will show it to yourself that you have the courage (2 of wands) to go after what you feel is right for you - regardless the result.

So many things and opportunities in our lives are wasted because of fear or fixed mind frames...and this combination 2/wands + 4/pents may be reflecting just that. This lady may be just there to encourage you to step out of the walls. 4 of pentacles is a Capricorn card, and it can be very much about the social structures that are imposed on us. Rules that we need to live by. Perhaps there is one part of you wants to 'play by the rules' - but is that truly right for you? Maybe you just need the courage to seek other options and move with pure spirit (2 of wands), regardless of material or social circumstances.

2 of wands vs 4 of pents is spirit/courage vs established structure. It is an ancient conflict, in fact, reflected in many stories and myths. 2 of wands is like the son (that is young spirit) who rebells against the stern father, that is the old established order (4 of pentacles as Sun in Capricorn). It is alive spirit who wants his own life and break free - to finally established his own structure, that will grow from him, from his experience not from some imposed rules.

This may be the theme that you are living and reliving with this lady. You also mentioned that before you were too young. So maybe before you were 2/wands, free spirit roaming about, but now you have started to build your life and be more grounded (4/pents). Now you may have something more substantial to offer. Also, both cards are about some kind of power - and this reflects the development of the male part of the psyche, to pursue his goals but at the same time be rooted in his own structure. So we could see these cards as your inner growth process.

It may seem difficult to break through so many walls but these walls may be just self-imposed or created by fear. If you truly care for this lady, go and show it. What have you got to lose? Nothing - but you can gain much, your own power, integrity, determination. 2 of wands is a bit of an 'action hero':) You know, he climbs the walls, and swims over the oceans to reach the lady he loves:) Today we do not have real, concrete walls and oceans, but we have social walls and inner oceans to cross...and perhaps this situation is inviting you to do just that. No matter what she decides...the point is for you to try and grow, develop your own power and determination.

Just some thoughts, I hope some of it resonates. good luck!:)

lucky 1

Wind....all I can say is WOW!

A great deal of what you just said does in fact resonate with me to a huge degree and is very helpful!

I gotta tell you that yesterday and this morning....I did one card draws while thinking about possibilities with her.....Temperance came up literally 4 times! Lovers and the Sun card both came up twice........very interesting!

In this situation, I would definitely see the Temperance card as a needing to work through some old issues with her....something that I think would be very easy at this point in our lives....let face it...neither of us are teenagers anymore....


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Please don't throw additional cards from other readings into the thread. If you wish to discuss those cards, please start a new thread and make sure to provide your own interpretations of those cards.

Other posters, please ignore the mention of the additional cards and focus replies on the two cards mentioned in the thread title.