Free Spread EBook


I just downloaded your eBook...loved the concept...:)

Went through a couple of them...However still to go through all of them...But the Let it Die did catch my eye...considering the link to Ozzy...I just cant enough of him :)

And yes, thanks for sharing...!


Let me know how they work for you. So far the book has been downloaded 24 times but I have yet to get any feedback.


Sure....Let me identify the song whose remedy I need the most and I will get back to you :)


Thanks for sharing with us! :]


Thanks for sharing your free ebook of spreads with us! Very generous, and I will be sure to give feedback once I have tried a few of these.



just downloaded your ebook!
Thanks for sharing it


I downloaded the ebook but I need to sit down and actually focus on it. :D I'll keep you posted on any readings I do from it. Thank you for making this available to the masses! :D


I just downloaded your e-book. Thanks a lot, you are very generous. It will take me sometime to work with it, but I will share my experiences with it a step at a time. Blessings,