The Book of Froth


Burns and kitchen injuries: the Cappucchino steamer

Hell: a tray of identical-looking coffees with a written order where there all different kinds of coffee labelled (forgotten where on the tray they all are)

Hell: A person chained up between two coffees.

Heaven: A little person floating on an inflatable mattress in what turns out to be a giant coffee with a long drinking-straw over the side.


Bad Taste: Some perverted person mentioned <wince> Pumpkin latte?



You really are having entirely too much fun with this!


I think Too Much Coffee and a Long Line for the Toilet should enter in here somewhere.


Promise said:

You really are having entirely too much fun with this!
Hmmm ...

"too much", that I understand.

I also understand "fun".

But ... "too much fun ..."

That's a bit like saying "eat your cake and a hard place", isn't it - it really doesn't fit together and make sense as well.


<grin> All good inspirational stuff.


nisaba said:
Describe this Strange Foreign Product.
Look down the page.

COMFORT food ! I even had one in below zero weather last week....

I quote from someone's blog:
Tim Hortons Ice Cappuccino

Or, more commonly known as an 'ice cap'. I am hopelessly addicted. These are summertime drinks made from coffee, ice and thick cream. While I don't know the number, I think each one has a million calories. A couple of years ago, when I was training for a marathon and able to consume what seemed like unlimited calories, I used to have one of these everyday at lunchtime. Our office complex is blessed with a Tim Hortons coffee shop in the concourse. Last year, I did not let myself have even one of these - like with any addiction, one and I am back in its grip. Today, I came very close - my guard was almost down, lulled by the sunshine and fresh air, I went to the Tim Hortons counter and managed to get the words 'I'll have a medium ...' when the clerk (evil woman) filled in the rest of the sentence with 'ice cap?'. Without thinking I said 'yes, an ice cap'. Then I caught myself. No - a regular coffee. I had the regular coffee - and it was good. All I can think of though is an ice cap. Lord, give me strength - it's going to be a long, hot summer.

Ummmmm - I guess as Death is my fave card, this has to be the slot for it - and given the calories.... it fits !


Promise said:
I have absolutely nothing constructive to add to this discussion, not a single thing, except to say that I've been giggling idiotically through this entire thread.

It leaves me with a pang of emptiness, though, since I simply can't drink coffee; it doesn't agree with my tummy. But I'll be watching both this thread and this deck! I'll have my coffee, even if it's just in print form damnit!


Maybe Coffees could be the majors and Tea the minors.

(That'll start a, no,no...Tea the majors and Coffee the minors....

No...nooooo....strong coffees and teas the majors and weak or decaf teas and coffees the minors...something for everyone?)



nisaba said:
That's a bit like saying "eat your cake and a hard place", isn't it - it really doesn't fit together and make sense as well.

Or "have your cake and eat it and eat it and eat it

(along with some Frothy coffee or tea, of course).
