house + ring, help!


This was about my house + ring combination. house does not mean the past generally but I think scythe for me has an association. If you are using a scythe you are cutting something from the past for the future. So that is why I associated house with the past in this reading. a commitment to cutting out something from the past in the house :)
Right, I see. House could have an element of past, sort of, by dint of its "roots" concept(?) but really that's not part of its meaning.

totally agree with you about the defence thing, that is probably why we hang on to loads of old clutter and stuff in our house. What if we needed it again? :)
I'm thinking more spiritually. I ditched that "what if" thing years ago! :D but being surrounded by the things, the familiar things which are "mine"... literally cushioned, or insulated, from the world beyond. I've heard the same of overweight.

Also I'm recognising that while I have this huge task to get on with, it saves me from doing the next huge task. Which is the far more exciting one of setting out on my adult life. OK, I'm 47 :laugh: but I'm also effectively "just leaving home", a complete beginner at being fully independent. It is wonderful and I love it, but I've been excited about it for a couple of years now and maybe running out of steam; it's a scary stage as well as full of promise. I don't FEEL scared but no doubt it's in the mix, and anyway I was moving at high speed for months n months, so this could simply be a fallow period.

However I really need things to get moving again.

the reason I suggested the regular small periods of time is that when we are procrastinating and have no motivation, we simply cannot handle in our brain that we will spend 2 days and do EVERYTHING. oh that is is too big a project. Instead if you do little and often, you are doing little lumps. There is also a risk of giving up because you don't do your time that day and they always say in psychology that just doing 5 mins is something. reward if you do anything at all! I had counselling ages ago and they expect you to fail when you make a plan to be more motivated. Instead of doing something for 7 days, if you do it once a week, that is amazing! We have to have a goal to aim for but just reward anything we do, otherwise we just give up!

This is wisdom, and I'm not rejecting it, but I do already know it. It's a learning curve I have done - and procrastination isn't the problem now. There's something else, the next chapter of the textbook of my life (if that's not too poetic!). I feel very ready to master this lesson but am struggling to see what it is!

This is turning out a very useful thread, much more than I expected. I thought i was just asking about a small technical point! :laugh: