dream interpretation spreads


I was wondering if anyone knew some good dream interpretation spreads. I tried the Soul dreamer spread, but it didn't work or something. I was just wondering if someone had a spread that they found pretty useful to them.



I don't know of a specific spread but I know a system.

If you go through your deck and pick out all of the cards that remind you of things in your dreams.
Then lay them out in the order they appeared.
And then interpret the cards as normal, this will give you a meaning for your dream.

Hope this helps.


I read a very good idea for this type of thing. On a piece of paper, number the main dream symbols from one to ten. eg (1) walked into an empty room, (2) the floor was covered in flowers, (3) a baby was eating the flowers ETC... Then shuffle your cards normally and deal out a card for each number/symbol. Each cards pertaining to the number/symbol of the dream should help you interpret the dream symbols, or at least aid you in seeing into your own subconscious.


I always use the method slinky jo wrote. And for me it works.
My only change is that i pull one card for the general message of the dream.

Good luck


I read a very good idea for this type of thing. On a piece of paper, number the main dream symbols from one to ten. eg (1) walked into an empty room, (2) the floor was covered in flowers, (3) a baby was eating the flowers ETC... Then shuffle your cards normally and deal out a card for each number/symbol. Each cards pertaining to the number/symbol of the dream should help you interpret the dream symbols, or at least aid you in seeing into your own subconscious.

This is a great idea! I looked up some dream spreads on the internet and didn't feel like any of them could really help with interpretations. This one seems very rounded. Thanks for the idea! @Maan: Adding the overall meaning card also seems very helpful.