Planet Series: Mars in relationship to Venus


dadsnook2000 said:
squeakmo9, its OK and probably the best thing to do in that the long-term needs to be honored. The problem is that life is short, so don't make too many long-term plans and slow-advancement. Try to break up your "goals for self improvement" into little packages that can be achieved sooner, some later, and see if life can be fun as well as serious. Mars and Venus have a short cycle, why not make plans to follow and experience a whole cycle? Keep a journal or diary, log your experiences relative to the transiting phases of this pair, as well as the progressed and natal phases for this pair. Dave

Thank you Dave for making me see the big picture...funny I have a tarot journal, a dream journal, but never thought of the transits...excellent idea...much appreciated-


dadsnook2000 said:
Venus has reached/passed the 180 degrees mark ahead of Mars, and is somewhere between 180 and 225 degrees ahead. Whatever difficulties there are between Mars and Venus, they are out in the open here. Conflicts between the manner and the means exist. Experiences are more of the "crises" type. Mars and Venus are as distant from each other as they might ever be. Each is seeking recognition, seeking to not give anything to the other. There is an attraction here, no doubt about it. But whose party will the other favor? "Love to fight, fight to love."

That's me. Mars and Venus in opposition, Venus passed Mars. Fruit and bubbles vs. fire and swords. Anything for love. Well... not any thing, but there must be passion with the affection. Sometimes the lower form takes over and it's fight and make up. Sometimes it's devine and the challenge is a shared passion for something or other. Like getting excited over a good movie and sharing the emotions.


For stardancer

That's the Mars-Venus opposition and Seeker phase -- an ebb and flow, both the "partnering" and the "enemies" meanings of this opposition-based pattern. It just goes to show that symbols seek to express themselves in many, many ways. This is perhaps what makes it difficult for early-studies students, which expression or few expressions to focus on.

And that, in turn, is where astrology goes from a formula-calculation-database approach (like a cook book or report writer) to an artform or higher-skill-and- experience level such as the way an astrologer does it.

I like the ways you describe your experiences of this pattern. Thanks. Dave


I believe that my venus is about 124.18 degress ahead of my mars. That would put me in the

Venus is 90 to 135 degrees ahead of Mars. Mad Magazine's Alfred E. Neuman always used to say, "What, me worry?!" This phase is something like that for Mars-Venus, "Do now, worry later." Venus is really way ahead of Mars in this phase, and loves to play the role of Flirt and Temptress. Do you smell the roses at the Florist Shop or do you just take them all? I have always felt that there was a sort of "overkill" at work in this phase, sort of like a bull in a china shop, or rough and ready way of living life.

Hmmm... well temptress is very accurate. I think also that there is a fair amount of interplay with my sun-moon relationship. When I am out, I am very flirtatious. I love to play it up and I wind up most nights center-stage (nothing less for a moon in Leo). However, in most of my love relationships I must admit that I am impulsive and flightly, I am hard to tie down for those that want to, and then when I want to settle down, I find that I try to do it in all the wrong ways. I am somewhat "known" in my particular circle of friends as someone that shares her affections too readily. I enjoy sex, I think that it can be very fun and I have shrugged off that double standard that says boys can and girls can't -- my answer? "SAYS WHO?!" I do want a meaningful relationship, I just am realistic, not everyone you fall in the hay with is going to want to get married!

Of course that's just me -- you be you, and I'll be me, hurt no one and it's no one's business. My credo. ;)


dadsnook2000 said:
That's the Mars-Venus opposition and Seeker phase -- an ebb and flow, both the "partnering" and the "enemies" meanings of this opposition-based pattern.

LOL. It feels a little skewed when things are peaceful for too long. Never let it be said a partner shouldn't also be a bit of an enemy. It's said that unless you have evil, you would never know what good is. It's the same concept in love. You never appreciate one side unless you have the other to compare it to. Personally, I think it's a Myer's-Briggs test thing; way too much sensation seeking.

You're welcome.


dadsnook2000 said:
For Astrid O
"You mentioned that Venus has experiences that Mars hasn't yet, in my case, with venus so far ahead, how does that play out?"

Well, thats simple. Just look at Venus all by itself without Mars, and look also at any aspects Venus might make and what house it is in. That tells you what Venus is doing that Mars doesn't play a strong role in.

"In a case with someone whose Venus and Mars are very close, I wonder how this plays out as well."

Just as simple, but different. You have to look at Mars and Venus as if they were conjunct, then look at the house they are in. This tells you what the pair of them are up to. Astrology is simple, there doesn't need to be great complexity about it. The people who initially engage in studying the stars as they relate to human experience had no guidelines. They kept things conceptually simple. It was only thousands of years later that people added complexity to better match their increasingly complex lives.


Thanks Dave. This is a help. So, perhaps my Venus being in 12th house, led to my explorations, which were very 12th house-ish, but without the "protection" of my mars I was left feeling more scared than elated?

My Venus (at 7 deg. Pis. 12th house) seems to be fairly busy with aspects; trines my Jupiter (at 5 deg. scorp, 8th house), sextile with my saturn (at 4 deg. Tau, 2nd House), and it's conj my Sun (at 00 deg. Pis. 12th house). There are a couple of other ones that don't seem notable. (unless a square to Neptune is important? Nep is at 0 deg. Sag, 9th house)


That 12th house

That 12th house is really quite strange -- for the individual its a "secret" place in many cases, yet because its above the horizon its often in full view of the rest of the world. Its like living in a glass house, the privacy is illusionary.

While the secrets themselves can't be seen, the results of them can be. Its like looking through a glass but only seeing the shadow of whats inside.

Yes, your Venus is the "complex" agent here. With those aspects there are a lot of ways for the symbols to be expressed -- Jupiter doesn't always work well with Venus, Venus is personal and Jupiter is social and sometimes social benefits are at odds with personal benefits. Venus is a bit ahead of the Sun and may try to experience too much too soon. Now, Venus and Neptune can work together but may not always work for you. If we take all of the keywords -- Sun/Will, Venus/Wants, Jupiter/Gets, Neptune/Tricks -- we can get some surprising combinations, can't we? Of course we can use other words also -- Sun/Focus, Venus/Balancing, Jupiter/Helps, Neptune/Inspires -- and end up with something totally different. Its almost like a dice game. Play several rounds and everything may come up. Is there a story here? Dave

PS -- You'll note I haven't shared my story.

isthmus nekoi

dadsnook2000 said:
For isthmus nekoi
Same with Venus -- it know what it likes, and in this case, what it didn't like. This observation of yours adds a nice understanding for this phase where one "lets go of what isn't needed."

Yes and I think it matches the sun-moon phase relationship very well!


dadsnook2000 said:
PS -- You'll note I haven't shared my story.

:D ...and your story is?


Some comments

When I wrote the following phase relationship definition, it was not with my own personal experience that formed the words but it was a culmulative experience as it could be recalled during my typing. In reviewing all of the responses, I often am surprised at how well the appropriate phases fit my own situation as well. I repeat here the Worker Phase definition which applies to my Mars/Venus relationship: Mars at 22 Leo, 3rd house , Venus at 12 Libra, 5th house.

Mars at 22 Leo, 3rd house has several basic meanings: An active, creative communicator and student of the environment, a writing/talking individual who feels he/she is often in a leadership position.

Venus at 12 Libra, 5th house has several basic meanings: One who seeks balance and understanding thru creative outlets, sometimes involved with children or teaching, and has a sense of empathy with others.

Both of these planets are influenced by several factors: Sun and Moon in Virgo (detail, alignment of will/ego and feelings/habits), Cancer ASC., Venus conjunct Mercury (considering all sides of every question, and all that that implies), the yod of Saturn with Mars/Venus, etc.

I repeat here the "WORKER PHASE:"
Venus is 45 to 90 degrees ahead of Mars. With some distance from Mars, Venus has a creative push, a need to just "feel" and be imersed in a fully sensual/sensate mood. Where past conventions contradict these feelings, then those past conventions and rules are dropped or rejected. This is the phase where Mars and Venus are like partners in crime, they don't know each other well, but they are both going places together.

The first sentance describes me quite well in personal terms. The second sentance is appropriate -- those who follow my postings realize that I do not follow established rules in astrology, a mind-set that applies to just about everything else in my life. Its not that I'm a rebel (that doesn't fit with Venus) but I do follow my own paths and seek a creative environment in all that I do. The third/last sentance also fits quite well. In marriage, my wife and I do share similar goals but neither of us feels they know the other very well as our natures are so dis-similar -- a hot/cold situation, an angery alliance might symbolize Mars and Venus as a pair.

With the wife having her Saturn almost exactly opposite my Venus, there is a very real and constant sense of "restriction" there. For someone who is very creative this is a real drag on my life. Add the fact of her Moon being right on my ASC degree, and you have a situation where she expects me to act on her feelings -- given the Venus opp. Saturn pattern and Mars-Venus phase, this is just not going to happen.

Now I won't go into all of life's expressions and events that could be fueled by these factors, but it does illustrate some things about the Mars/Venus Worker Phase. This pair can work together but they have very different ways of operating and very different feelings about their partnership in the chart. Venus is seperating, degree-wise, from Mars and that is symbolically important -- there is no impulse to compatibility just cooperation (a fine difference of meaning, I think). So, these are just some comments I have. And, stardancer, I don't think I'll go into any of other stories that could be taken from this overall pattern. Sorry, Dave