Time Frames.... Do you have a spread that can help?????


Hello lovely peoples....

I'm looking for a time frame spread or an idea on how to work out how long it will take for something to come about using the cards......

A close friend of mine wants to move back to her home state and is wondering how long it will be before this comes about..... I've searched the index but so far I can't find anything :(

Do you have a fave?


All help much appreciated :)


You could always just refer to the usual timing within the cards--which is generally:

WANDS: the season of Autumn/Fall
CUPS: the season of Summer
SWORDS: the season of Swords
PENTACLES: the season of Spring

then what-ever card is turned over it will be that many weeks into that season.

for example:

Question is: When will I move?
if I turned over the 4 of cups, it would suggest the 4th week of summer. which is right around the middle of July, (as summer started somewhere around June 21).


Thanks CN, I knew of this way but I couldn't remember how it went.....

It'll be a little different in the fact that it is now winter for me but none-the-less it will still work and give me some idea....

Ta :)

P.S. Don't mean to go off topic but you know what? We still haven't found them bloody keys :confused: SO is about to get some new ones cut and I'll bet anything the old ones will turn up after that happens :rolleyes:


Hello :)

I use this system

Ace Cups...spring...march apr may
Ace Wands...summer...june july aug
Ace Swords...fall....sept, oct nov
Ace Coins.....winter...dec, jan feb

And then when i have established the season, i shuffle again and the first minor card i turn up will be the answer....

for example, i asked when a friend of mine and I would communicate again...and i got 7 wands...which would be 7 weeks into the summer, so approx 20 July?

it has up until now proved quite accurate...

a few years ago a friend of mine was finding it hard to conceive...we did a reading one night...the ace coins came out first and then the ace swords secondly....she went on to get pregnant in Jan and gave birth in oct...

Hope this helps!!



Hi strangebrew, thanks for your help :)

I did a draw using CN's idea last night after she had posted it and I got the 1st week of Summer, which for me is the 1st week of December....

After reading your post I noticed that your suits/seasons differed from the way CN's did, soooooo that got me to thinking and then I remembered that buried somewhere deep in my Tarot cupboard I had some notes about it.......

Well, I just found it and with it, a few different ways of determining timeframes..... the suits/seasons I have are the same as you posted..... so now I'll give it another go and see what I come up with.

Your reading for your friends pregnancy bought a smile to my face :)


Star-Willow said:
P.S. Don't mean to go off topic but you know what? We still haven't found them bloody keys :confused: SO is about to get some new ones cut and I'll bet anything the old ones will turn up after that happens :rolleyes:
oh of course they will! and you know what else---they'll be pretty much in plain sight too! that is Murphy's Law!

but at least then you'll have a duplicate set. :D


strangebrew said:
a few years ago a friend of mine was finding it hard to conceive...we did a reading one night...the ace coins came out first and then the ace swords secondly....she went on to get pregnant in Jan and gave birth in oct...

Hope this helps!!

cool, strangebrew! good reading!


celticnoodle said:
oh of course they will! and you know what else---they'll be pretty much in plain sight too! that is Murphy's Law!

You are so right and don't I know it!! :rolleyes:


What happens if you get a reversed card when doing a timeframe spread?? Does it mean longer than a non reversed card??

Just wondering say what the page of cups means reversed in a timeframe?


Hello :)

I use this system

Ace Cups...spring...march apr may
Ace Wands...summer...june july aug
Ace Swords...fall....sept, oct nov
Ace Coins.....winter...dec, jan feb

And then when i have established the season, i shuffle again and the first minor card i turn up will be the answer....

for example, i asked when a friend of mine and I would communicate again...and i got 7 wands...which would be 7 weeks into the summer, so approx 20 July?

it has up until now proved quite accurate...

a few years ago a friend of mine was finding it hard to conceive...we did a reading one night...the ace coins came out first and then the ace swords secondly....she went on to get pregnant in Jan and gave birth in oct...

Hope this helps!!


And don't understand this part, can you explain?

You put the aces separate from the rest?
And you use the minors and put in other deck?

Like you pull an ace from the aces deck, and then you pull a card from the other deck that you previous separate?

I ask when i will date?
King of swords = This is far away from the november. So the result is in the second week 14 december?