6 of Cups-Representing a soul mate?


balenciaga said:
6 cups - feelings that one relates to one's past - if you add it to the lovers, I would definitely agree that one has "made the connection" with one's soul mate. So 6 cups has ties from the past's memories - there is something connecting what is happening today with something that has already happened. Or you know the person from long ago. Or they remind you of the past (youth). Innocent play, like children, is another vibe I get.:)

Yes, I love this! This makes perfect sense to me. :)


You may already know this, but we all have many soul mates, based on past lives. But we only have one Twin Soul, or Twin Flame, or whatever it's labeled. Been there. My Twin wasn't quite ready & I met him again today after 30 years! Very weird, depressing, enlightening, full of love/hate. I think the 6 Cups definitely relates to soul mates, possibly your twin soul, depending on the cards around it. If it's a court card, it's a soul mate, if it's a major, it's more likely your one & only twin. Just because it's your mirror image spirit doesn't mean you get things right at the same time. Unfortunately.

Haunted Wood

That's an interesting question. Recently I did a reading for myself about someone that I'm involved with. For 'why he's in my life' I got the 6 of cups, and for 'why I'm in his life' I got The lovers. I'm still mulling over what these two cards together mean, but he is someone from my past, someone that I've known since I was 15 which wasn't that long ago (we're 21 and 22) but I suppose we were in between childhood and adulthood when we first met. We both always wanted each other but never got together, and have never stopped wanting each other...the feelings for him just don't go away. Lately I've been thinking that it's probably a relationship that needs to be explored, otherwise I will always wonder what if. Whether it's love or not I don't know yet, it's still kind of new and I'm still processing my feelings about it. I kind of just have a feeling that he's meant to be in my life and that us together is so right. Is he my soulmate? I'm not entirely sure about the concept of soulmates. I think it's often defined in this really romantic way, that it's our one true love. I think we probably have many soulmates like canid describes, and I don't think a soulmate would necessarily be a lover, it could be a platonic friendship too. I prefer to think of each person that's in our life being in it for a reason, to give us or teach us something...and we have deeper connections with some than others. Some we stop caring about, others we never stop loving or caring for, some stay in our lives for a long time and others leave.

So I think the 6 of cups to me could be a relationship which has a history, is tied to your past or childhood somehow and which has a feeling of fatedness to it. About a month ago I woke up with this very clear thought in my head that I had to call him right now and re-establish our friendship...it was most strange. I don't know if I had a dream or what, but I woke up with the epiphany that I need him in my life.


Wishful thinking

I got this card once with the Osho Zen when I was so hoping for confirmation that I had found 'the one'. And I fell for it...

Osho Zen Tarot p. 108
Some enchanted evening you're going to meet your soulmate, the perfect person who will meet all your needs and fulfill all your dreams. Right?
Nodding my head, yes, yes!!

Ohhh... :( :|
I think it could be somebody you connect with and will never forget and will always have cherished memories, but soul mate--no. Life mate--no. I agree with mahjong, I see 2 of cups more as soul mates than 6 of cups or Lovers.


Six of cups soulmates

That's really interesting Haunted Wood and Canid. I just did a reading for myself asking about a guy I pulled back into my life.

I use the mythic tarot- handed down to me

"Is he my soulmate?" I got the Six of Cups. In this card, the maiden is looking down at a cup with longing, thinking back on fonder times about her perfect lover, Eros. I would have to say this is true of my relationship with this guy.

I do think he was perfect for me, but despite my asking him to re-enter mylife, he has kept it strictly platonic.

I think we still can't deny the pull we feel though. I feel when he is happy or sad, or passionate about me. I do a tarot spread which confirms it.


It often comes up for me relating to the person I consider to be my soul mate as well as Lovers, 2 of cups and Devil. I consider it a soulmate card for definite. But I also think that soulmates don't have to be lovers, they can be friends.


There's a very interesting thread here where we were discussing the Lovers card that you might be interested in. :)


Just read that thread, Grizabella. Great discussion!


Soulmates cards

I was wondering what others would tend to think about the 6 of Cups representing or indicating a soul mate type of relationship? The Lovers card I know is most indicative of this type of relationship but since the card represents nostalgia it seems to me that it would fit.


For me, the Six of Cups came up when I asked about this chap from my past who I still feel tender about. I feel that we have bonded over something in common.

recently I also asked if he was the one for me- The World card came up.
I'm not sure if that means our 'cycle/ phase' is over and I should move on OR he really is THE ONE for me and completes my world.

I use the Mythic Tarot, and in this card, a man and woman gaze happily at each other and are joined at the hip. I feel somehow completed and comfortable around him. Also, the World is the last card of the Majors.


I think this depends on what you think a soul mate is or what you think a soul mate type relationship is like. If you think it's about feeling mutual true love then no, I haven't seen the six of cups mean that. Mutual attraction and a connection with someone from the past is how I've seen this card many times manifest. Along with a sweet affection and delight. But it has not indicated a deep or long lasting love as I've seen it manifest.