Wheel of Fortune in Opposing Forces Position


Can I get some thoughts on this?

To me The Wheel is always a positive card. It signifies good times to come, that you will be rewarded for hard work, that in general life is entering a happy place. I always welcome this card.

Now that being said, how do you read the "Opposing Forces" position, when the wheel pops up. So what the heck is that suppose to mean. Are things going to get harder (the wheel turning against me)?

How do you guys see this card in a negative position?

To me, there are other cards that show reward for effort. The thing about wheels is that they keep turning, they don't just stop dead when it suits YOU. The Wheel of Fortune promises change: change and change only. It doesn't say if the change will be good or bad, just that your "fortunes" will change. If you look at the design of the Wheel in most decks, it isn't locked down, and there are figures not only on top, but being crushed beneath or falling down on one side.

So to me in readings, the Wheel indicates instability. If your current circumstances are bad, they will improve. If they are good, it won't stay that way. Once that first change has happened, you can't rely on things to stay that way, though: once the "improvement" has happened, it won't stay. The Wheel warns you to brace yourself, and get ready for a ride of ups and downs. It is neither a positive or a negative card, just a realistic one.

In an "opposing forces" position, this might indicate that the ups and downs of a normal life will threaten the stability you want - because this card is anything but stable.


Can I get some thoughts on this?

To me The Wheel is always a positive card. It signifies good times to come, that you will be rewarded for hard work, that in general life is entering a happy place. I always welcome this card.

Now that being said, how do you read the "Opposing Forces" position, when the wheel pops up. So what the heck is that suppose to mean. Are things going to get harder (the wheel turning against me)?

How do you guys see this card in a negative position?

In a truly negative position, it shows changes of fortune as well as a turn of events unplanned or unexpected. Life's ups and downs, things in flux and change, not stabilizing yet. Uncertain outcomes. So, it is important to pay attention to modifying cards and thoughts that accompany a reading with the Wheel reversed.


With the Wheel, there's also everything in between up or down that we're going to deal with, too. It isn't ever just up or down, it's everything in between, too.


I actually see the wheel as "opposing forces" in itself, so how interesting to get it in that position and a strong message for you! I also normally read the upright wheel as a turn for the better and I read reversals and that is more difficult times ahead. But I think the big message of the Wheel of Fortune is about things out of our control! We get to control some things in our life and can make decisions ourselves but sometimes the universe just throws things at us, sometimes good and sometimes bad! One thing we can guarantee is change! good times won't last, bad times won't last, the wheel keeps spinning!

In this position with this card, I would interpret it that you can't control everything in your life, sometimes you just have to deal with what the wheel lands on! We have to accept that some external factors are out of our control and that is the opposing force here, fate and karma perhaps!

Totally agree with this ^

I have experienced this card when I have felt stuck in a rut and things have not been going how I would like them to. Therefore this card can mean to me that the time is not right for certain things to happen (that you may want very much to happen now) and to have patience and trust that, when the time is right, you will get what you desire but, for the timebeing, not to fight against the current (or turn of the wheel) but to go with the flow.

This interpretation I think would make complete sense in respect of opposing forces.