king of swords and 6 of swords


can anyone tell me what they could mean together? have being getting these 2 cards randomly a ton today!!! i feel i must be over looking something about them!


Kind of difficult to articulate my thoughts on this, so perhaps I won't be of any help...but to me, swords mostly represent thoughts, expression, and words. If there are lots of swords in a reading, I start to think about what words I'm trading with others, my interactions -- for better or worse. The King of Swords is articulate, just, ethical. He's communicating something and acting upon his principals. Something may even be coming to the surface. 6 of swords, on the other hand, has always been the card of "moving on" in my eyes. It is neutral, though...not necessarily "sad" and melancholy like 8 of cups (which is also a "moving on" card to me). So, those two cards together would represent an ending to me, one based on rationality.


Taken together, these cards could mean taking charge or taking a specific action... to steer your own course rather than being the passenger in life, in your opinions, in what ever you think and do. You may need to take more command and be less passive in order to move from difficult situations into better ones.


Also, for me, a prominence of Swords like that (even though it is a small prominence) suggests the seeker is overthinking something--often to the point of being in denial about some facet or situation in his life that he really needs to change. It's almost as if he is trying to come up with solutions to something by thinking hard about them, but he isn't actually doing anything about them.

So, with the King of Swords maybe suggesting the need to be decisive and logical about something, there is a path for the seeker (via the Six of Swords) for him to follow to get to that better place. But he still has to jump into that boat and row.


Also, for me, a prominence of Swords like that (even though it is a small prominence) suggests the seeker is overthinking something--often to the point of being in denial about some facet or situation in his life that he really needs to change. It's almost as if he is trying to come up with solutions to something by thinking hard about them, but he isn't actually doing anything about them.

So, with the King of Swords maybe suggesting the need to be decisive and logical about something, there is a path for the seeker (via the Six of Swords) for him to follow to get to that better place. But he still has to jump into that boat and row.
all great info thanks everyone but i must say your one starrynight seems to best match to my current situation !! :) thank you! have being having problems at work and i reckon this could be talking about very that :)

ben lascia

First lets look at the 6 of Swords which never gets justice as to its true meaning, like the other sixes. The essential meaning of the 6 of Swords is intuition. It is also a card of responsibility in speech and communication and of making compromises to maintain a peaceful surrounding. When this card shows up in a reading, situations will arise that will bring your life into balance and stability. Whatever is out of balance will have to be adjusted, so there may be karmic debts to pay.
Like the other Sixes, the Six of Swords is a karmic influence. We often get the results of things we said in the past when this card shows up. This karma, can be good or bad. It depends on what you had said or promised in the past.
On a deeper level this indicates a time when we become aware of a special purpose in our life, something to do with sharing higher knowledge with others. This can be a harbinger of an important mission for you, one that will lead you to a higher purpose, and lifestyle in the spiritual sense.
Possible manifestations with King of Clubs: You had or will have a significant karmic meeting with someone (King of Clubs) from the distant past. You feel connected in a strange way.
As a situation the King of Clubs would mean: becoming an authority, a king in one of the communication or information fields, that involve knowledge. It may be part of your life's destiny and purpose now to stand up and take charge in this area


It is also a card of responsibility in speech and communication and of making compromises to maintain a peaceful surrounding. When this card shows up in a reading, situations will arise that will bring your life into balance and stability. Whatever is out of balance will have to be adjusted, so there may be karmic debts to pay.
Like the other Sixes, the Six of Swords is a karmic influence. We often get the results of things we said in the past when this card shows up. This karma, can be good or bad. It depends on what you had said or promised in the past.

This makes alot of sense to me at the moment for my my reading question was about work... i have a meeting at work tomorrow and wanted to know how it will go!
"will bring your life into balance and stability. Whatever is out of balance will have to be adjusted"
im hoping this to be a good sign!!! will post tomorrow and let ye knows!
thanks for the great interpretation btw was a great help and greatly appreciated it! :D


King of Swords and Six of Swords

To me, I'd see the combination meaning "there's a narrow way through this" (6oS), and "I may have to adjust my thinking" (6's in general) "and use my head" (King of Swords) "to find it.".

Basically, a path through a problem, situation or danger that requires you to think, analyze, use logic, or strategy to find.