ten of swords and the fool


what is the message of this combo?

pain and regret is stopping the querent from moving on to new beginnings?
the era of pain and sadness is over and querent is on her way to a new happy life and new beginnings?
the querent has hit rock bottom and now there is no where else to go but up?



what am I doing wrong here?
my other post just like this one got no answer.
simply not interesting or am I doing something wrong?


This is a huge forum. People work and have families that keep them busy. They don't just pounce on people's threads immediately. Factor in that we have members all over the world so the different time zones can cause delays. :)

10 of Swords with the Fool could mean you're at the end of something so be careful not to go off the deep end with a knee-jerk reaction.


Someone is blind to see the pain of someone else. They think that simply because everything is ok in their world, that it must be ok in everyone else's. They might also be the type to say "Just be happy!" Which can completely negate and even mock the pain of someone else.

It may not be about a specific person, it could be advice. Pay attention to where you step because you may be stepping on others. Proceed with caution. Yes, people need cheering up and everyone needs some light-hearted fun, but do so with tact. Don't act as if nothing happened, this can make matters worse.


As a combination (and one not clarifying the other) I would lean toward being oblivious to the pain of someone else - some people just don't see what's going on with people around them. I've been guilty of this ... Especially with a certain type of prescribed medication. It's not that you don't care, you just aren't aware.


Hi Blue moon,

I think that you did not receive lots of answer at first because your own interpretations are excellent, to me. I would have suggested the same.

Others brought interesting point: that a person might not got well but pretend that they feel alright

I would personally tend to have the interpretations you gave in your post, when seeing this combo.