crystal ally card study group: Malachite



Image: a man sits on a Malachite throne. He wears a crown and necklace of Malachite. He holds a scepter and has a brilliant, energetic solar plexus chakra.

This person has come into contact with abuse of power. She may be trying to force something that she wants to happen. Or she may give up too easily. This usually happens because she does not have all the information in this situation that would help her to trust the universe more. Emotionally, she is frustrated or feels blocked. On the spiritual level, she may not feel like a co-creator with the universe. She may have a hard time aligning her personal power with divine will.

Malachite will gently and powerfully clear away her need to control the situation. Also, she doesn’t need to wait for others or the universe to do it for her. Malachite will help her to take action, commit without pushing too hard, and not give up. She will feel relief that her ideas about power and domination are outdated. She will no longer fear her own power. Spiritually, she will trust the universe to be a partner in creating her reality. She will receive knowledge and insight into her problems. She will know that she can set spiritual and emotional boundaries.

If this is a health issue, it may concern cellular vitality, arthritis and musculoskeletal issues, the immune system, and releasing toxins from the blood.