crystal ally card study group: Rhodonite



Image: a woman sits on the ground admiring a large basket she has just completed.

This person needs to express herself and develop her talents. She may be keeping them to herself. She may know what these talents are, but needs to spend more time studying and developing them. Or she may not realize that doing what she knows and loves will serve her community. She may be holding back because she does not feel ready. Emotionally, she may not value this side of herself as much as she needs to. Her self-doubt may be clouding her judgment. On the spiritual level, she may not realize that her gifts are an important part of her service to others. It is a calling.

Rhodonite will show her that this is the time to share her talents because they are needed. She is ready. It will encourage her to develop herself by studying or practicing what she loves. On the emotional level, Rhodonite gives her self confidence and allows her to accept respect from others. It guides her to fulfill her potential. Spiritually, she will find meaning by channeling her unique gifts to the community. She is a part of the earth’s transformation.

If this is a health issue, it may concern detoxification, liver or kidney disease, inflammation, or lung diseases.