The Dreams Of Gaia Tarot


Oh my goodness! Gorgeous. Plus, Blue Angel has the best quality.

I'm so excited for this one!!!!


Thank you <3

I have to confess that one of the things I love about working with Blue Angel is that they offer such a quality product, and the tarot is going to take that quality to a whole new level because the box will have a satin sheen, with metallic gold borders and text on both the box and the guidebook (which is 308 pages long )*laughing* I had a few complaints about the fact that I only wrote a paragraph for each of the meanings for Messenger Oracle, but there is more a chance that any complaints about the tarot will be due to my having offered too much information this time. I guess that's what happens though when you've been taking notes and developing the meanings for years.

Oh, and the cards will have a gilded edge too.

Anyway, Blue Angel have the deck listed on their website, however, it won't be available for purchase until June/July. It should be available on Amazon not long after, and it is also being distributed by Llewellyn Publishing in the U.S.

Again, thank you. I am so excited about this deck's release. It's the manifestation of so many years of love, hard work, laughter, and tears.


Oh gosh this deck looks stunning! It's obvious how much work has gone into this... :) I love decks that deviate from the RWS and just pull out those intuitive sides of the soul. <3


:) congrats!:)) and looking forward to see this in my fav bookstore!^^:))


Glad to see you pop by here too Ravynne - I have been watching you create the art on Facebook for a long while and Blue Angel is an amazing publisher that will do it justice.

Woot! :D


woooooooo excited. I have Messenger Oracle with her art and i absolutely love it so much. Can not wait for this one. But il need to get it from amazon.


I have her 'Messenger Oracle' and absolutely love it. I use it more than any other Oracle deck. It is my go-to for sure so I'm so pleased to see that 'The Dreams of Gaia Tarot' is on its way to becoming available soon. Her artwork is amazing and really strikes a cord with has a deeply familiar feeling, like a world that I know well and feel completely at home with. I can't hardly wait :)

Owl Song


Congratulations on the upcoming publication of Dreams of Gaia. I love both your Messenger Oracle and the Mythic. Your artwork is so beautiful! I'm really excited about Dreams of Gaia. It's my most anticipated 2016 purchase, in fact. :)

Many blessings and thank you for creating it!!

Luna's Crone

Thank you <3

I have to confess that one of the things I love about working with Blue Angel is that they offer such a quality product, and the tarot is going to take that quality to a whole new level because the box will have a satin sheen, with metallic gold borders and text on both the box and the guidebook (which is 308 pages long )*laughing* I had a few complaints about the fact that I only wrote a paragraph for each of the meanings for Messenger Oracle, but there is more a chance that any complaints about the tarot will be due to my having offered too much information this time. I guess that's what happens though when you've been taking notes and developing the meanings for years.

Oh, and the cards will have a gilded edge too.

Anyway, Blue Angel have the deck listed on their website, however, it won't be available for purchase until June/July. It should be available on Amazon not long after, and it is also being distributed by Llewellyn Publishing in the U.S.

Again, thank you. I am so excited about this deck's release. It's the manifestation of so many years of love, hard work, laughter, and tears.

I can't wait. I loved the messenger. one of my favorite decks to journal with. Can't wait for the cards to come out. I love the crone card. finally a great dipiction of a crone!!!!! thank you!!!!

If Llewellyn is publishing it for the US, are there gonna be any changes in the box and card stock? If so I would rather buy it from Auz


Thank you for the kind words :) It is always lovely to know that people connect with Messenger Oracle. Messenger was 'my sanity break' during work on the tarot. It might have resulted in a longer wait time for the Dreams of Gaia Tarot, but with the tarot being so complex, to work on something so simple and uncomplicated was just what I needed at the time. To date, I can still say without hesitation that Messenger Oracle is EXACTLY what I wanted it to be - easy, simple, uncomplicated and a deck that anyone could use whether they were child or adult.

Will I say the same about the tarot several years later? I am confident that I will, however years of working as an artist taught me to accept that people are going to like what I do, love what I do, hate what I do, or not even care enough to react at all. Messenger was my first deck, and while some people adore it and use it all the time, others don't like it at all and believe it lacks something because I did not write complex and involved meanings or offer critical commentary into the symbology used within each of the paintings.

But Messenger was never meant to be that kind of deck. It is the deck I envisioned and, like the tarot, it was created to the best of my abilities at the time ... and so I am proud of it and I always will be.

Now the tarot is finished, I find myself feeling the same way about it, and knowing that some people are going to love it madly. For some, it will be their first and only tarot, and I know this to be true because those people have watched, commented, and waited as I created the deck. But just as there will be those who love it, there will be those who hate it because they expected it to be something other than what it is. Some people are going to read what I have written and believe that I am unqualified, certifiably insane or need to go out and get a life (and they might be right). Some people are going to love the deck and hate the guidebook. Others will love the guidebook but find something lacking in the artwork. Some are going to believe it's too angsty, to wordy, not arcane, or esoteric enough. There will always be those out there who will find fault and offer criticism ... and some of that criticism will be both justified and deserved in the minds of those offering it.

My reason for writing such a lengthy reply is that the Dreams of Gaia Tarot is one of those decks that if it makes you react, and the meanings challenge you to such a degree that you find yourself becoming angry with the author for writing them, then darlin' you need it more than anyone else. You need it to help you determine why something as innocuous as a tarot deck makes you react. The Dreams of Gaia tarot is meant to be a deck that challenges you to first feel and then question your emotional reactions and the thought and beliefs that drive them. Why? Because they influence the choices you make. Are you making your choices, or is your 'conditioning', i.e. what you have been taught to believe by everyone else, making your choices for you?

It's a very different deck to the very simple and gentle Messenger Oracle. The artist who painted the illustrations is the same artist who created the paintings for Messenger and Mythic, but that is where the similarities end. The Dreams of Gaia Tarot is a little bit like the Crone - she is willing to ask you hard questions, make you look at harsh truths, and whomp you upside the head if you insist on holding on to things that no longer serve you.

Below is the potential blockage meaning for the Crone. It's not sweet, or particularly 'gentle', but it -will- give you all an idea of what to expect. No, the upright meanings are not as hard core, but there are a number of them that are quite direct.

When the Crone appears in the reversed position, she symbolises a need to get in touch with your shadow self. It is time to draw on the strength of your shadow and get angry – not a rash and reactive anger, but a cold, defiant, and determined anger. Someone may be in need of being told to take a long walk off a short pier, because if you do not tell them, they are going to continue to expect you to be meek and compliant. They may want you to feel unimportant. They may want you to believe you have no purpose. They may want you to question and doubt yourself. They may want you to do as you are told. They may want you to stay in the nice, brown, boring box they believe to be your perfect fit. Regardless of their reasons, they want you to remain in a doubtful and uncertain state of mind because it gives them more power to control you and disempower you.

So it is now time for you to say ‘no.’ It is time for you to prove them wrong by doing everything they tell you that you cannot, or should not, or are unable to do.

It is time to be fierce. It is time to fight back. Do not be afraid. Do not give up. The Crone reversed symbolises a need to go to war if necessary to prove your worth, not to them, but to yourself.

If Llewellyn is publishing it for the US, are there gonna be any changes in the box and card stock? If so I would rather buy it from Auz

Llewellyn are not publishing the deck in the USA. They are DISTRIBUTING the tarot in the USA. That means they will be purchasing stock directly from Blue Angel :)