Another Heart Spread


This spread works great!

I'm going to jot down my reading just so I can have a note of it ;-):

1. Him - World
2. Her - Star
I love how it gave us both majors.

3. The relationship - seven of cups .. too many roads to choose from are slowing the journey .. distraction from our chosen path is a real possibility and could result in heartbreak.

4. She sees him - ace of swords, reversed .. resentment in the air; guard against abuse (it's true.. I feel lately that he relies on me too much)
5. He sees her - six of cups .. (oh honey, no wonder you're hanging on my apron strings :-x !)

6. Physical aspects - Hermit, reversed .. stubbornness, loneliness, and an inability to communicate :*(. That's me lately, sneaking off to cry instead of trying to connect with my honeybunny.

7. Came from - ten of cups, reversed .. taking our/my good fortune for granted
8. Going - Moon (nice, Major) .. that which wanes shall wax :).

edited to say: I just noticed some post recommendations for readings .. Does my format above mix up my cards and my interpretations too much? Thanks!



Hi Rachelcat. I tried your spread and it was indeed scary. I certainly did not get any sugar coated answers! Nevertheless I loved it.

My question for you is...when you say, "where the relationship came from"...what do you mean exactly?


Wow, a REALLY old thread to catch up on! I haven't done this spread in years!

"Where the relationship came from" is basically a "Past" position, to make:

Past Present Future with positions 7 3 8.

I was thinking along the lines of how did the relationship start, what was the spark or the circumstances of coming together (be to its own entity, as opposed to just two separate people).

Hope this makes sense. Enjoy.


rachelcat said:
Wow, a REALLY old thread to catch up on! I haven't done this spread in years!

"Where the relationship came from" is basically a "Past" position, to make:

Past Present Future with positions 7 3 8.

I was thinking along the lines of how did the relationship start, what was the spark or the circumstances of coming together (be to its own entity, as opposed to just two separate people).

Hope this makes sense. Enjoy.
Past, present, future? Wow that makes so much more sense! Thank u for replying! I enjoyed your spread.


I cast this spread and got the following:

1 --- Him: 9 of Wands (hm.)
2 --- Her: Knight of Swords
3 --- The Relationship at Present: 3 of Cups
4 --- How She Sees Him: 8 of Swords
5 --- How He Sees Her: 2 of Swords (hmmm....)
6 --- Physical: The Sun (!!)
7 --- From Whence it Came: The Fool (we met 5 years ago at work.. pretty much been involved ever since, had our share of ups and downs trust me.)
8 --- Where it's Going: Wheel of Fortune (a good omen?)

excellent spread, thank you for sharing! I've got some things to think about here.


LOVED it!!!

Well, I tried this spread and I absolutely adore it! I think I will try it more often. :)
I asked this about a guy I've been talking to that I used to go to school with. Problem is he lives an hour and a half away.


1. Him - The Hanged Man
2. Me - The Lovers
3. The relationship - Queen of Cups
4. How I see him - Queen of Wands
5. How he sees me - Queen of Swords
6. Physical Aspects of the relationship - The Moon
7. Where the relationship came from? - Three of Swords (it's funny because I went on a drunken rampage with an ex the night after that but I was still heartbroken, so maybe the ending of this existing one is what led me to this one)
8. Where the relationship is going? - Ten of Cups (not the first time this card has showed up for the future between him and I. It really gives me perspective that things might be heading in the right direction.


Here's an update of a spread I posted waaaaaay back when I first joined up here.

I changed "him" and "her" to "the questioner" (as the active party) and "the other person" (who we're mind reading!). If you don't mind "what does s/he think about me" questions, this spread is for you!

I made the silly red version (attached) for our tarot society's "Sexy Side of Tarot" February/Valentine's Day presentation. Enjoy!

Another Heart Spread
Rachel Mann


1. The questioner
2. The other person
3. The relationship
4. How the other person sees the questioner
5. How the questioner sees the other person
6. Physical aspects of the relationship
7. Where the relationship came from
8. Where the relationship is going


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Moderator Note

Thanks for the update rachelcat. :thumbsup:

This thread was started back when readings were still allowed in posts in this area -but they no longer are. If you wish to post a reading using this spread please post it in Your Readings.
Thank you.


Great spread! And I think would also work for him-him and her-her relationships, too.