Help, connection to words only not images


Oh, you may well not agree with the deck creator or guidebook author, it's most important to find symbols that mean something to you, then you can remember them and put them together. I'd recommend you have a look to see what decks are available at a reasonable price at the moment then do a web search for images and see if they look meaningful to you. Some of us even use decks that weren't designed as oracles so force you to make up your own meanings e.g. the black card at bottom left is the reverse side of one from "The Photographic Card Deck of the Solar System" which have descriptive text and information of a scientific nature on both sides.


In this case the parts of the text that struck me were that Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, is completely covered in fresh, pure snow making it brilliant white - in fact the whitest object in the entire Solar System. At the bottom of the image you may be able to make out the ice fountains which spurt streams of crystals into space. Although not directly detected, logic applied to those fountains of ice crystals would indicate the presence of hot water under pressure hidden beneath the surface of this moon.

Now having got some ideas I could see connections to the keyword "Logic" on the card at top right, the heart pumping hot blood in the top card, the white moon in the centre and top left cards and so on until I saw more and more connections between all the cards and they finally came together to give me a consistent answer to my question. As I didn't read any of the guidebooks a lot of people on here would call this an "intuitive" reading, although I would describe it as analytical, logical reasoning through analogy.


Where do you find out what the symbols mean or even the characters?

Google them. :D Then, like 2dogs said, you need to pick the meanings that make sense to you. Spiders are often associated with fear and danger, but if you find them beautiful and fascinating, a Spider card might mean beauty, wisdom and art in your personal system. Swans are often associated with beauty and fidelity, but if you've been hurt by them, a Swan card might mean pain, hatred and fear in your personal system.

Also, when you do readings and get feedback from your sitters, it's a great way of finding more subtle meanings of your cards.

And yes, it's a life-long quest. Hope you enjoy it! :thumbsup: