Guidance please


Intuition is very useful...Imagination is the more powerful of the two....combined ...stand back in awe...

Chimera Dust

I'm not quite sure what you're asking, because it sounds like you want to learn the Tarot without learning the basics?

As nisaba put it, whenever you read, you're always using intuition to a certain extent.

I assume you're talking about intuitive reading or using more traditional meanings for the cards, as those terms are sometimes used here on the forum. In that sense, those are your main options. You can look at a card and try to interpret it based on the picture and how it makes you feel, or you can draw on meanings that others have come up with. ;)

Using an astrological or numerological approach to the cards is no different, you're still using knowledge about those subjects and how they relate to the Tarot that other people have put into books.

We can't tell you whether you should learn about astrology or numerology. Are you interested in those things at all? If so, which one are you most interested in? There's your answer. It depends on what you personally feel interested in. If you're not interested in astrology, learning about how it may be used when reading Tarot can be interesting later on.

For now, though I'd stick with what you're truly interested in. Wanting to branch out is great and very worthy, but there will be plenty of time for that. When you're learning the basics, even if you're using your favourite approach and your favourite deck, you'll already have difficult moments as it is. I recommend starting with what you truly love and learn the rest once you feel more confident in your knowledge. Starting somewhere is just that, picking some place and starting there. It's not a lifelong vow to always stick with the same method, beliefs, and perspectives you had when you started. It's merely something to do first to help you find your footing before you continue to explore. ;)