SPREAD - X-Ray of love



1 - Magician ( I'm ready to begin this search for the love of my life with my heart like this... )
2 - High priestess ( I'm not showing this...)
3 - Empress ( I need to show more... )
4 - Emperor ( I want to be treated like... )
5 - Pope ( I need to follow this rule in myself to obtain the love that i want... )

Spread by: Espirito


Hi Espirito:
I love the spread, but could you elaborate in the positions? Thanks for sharing. Blessings.



1 - 2 of cups - My heart are open to any relationship that i want
2 - 3 of swords - I have my broken heart, i'm very sad in this moment, and i don't show it to anyone.
3 - 10 of cups - I need to show more joy, happiness.
4 - King of Swords - I want to be treated like a king, with respect
5 - Chariot - I need to have more control on my emotions, and take a direct path to my goals

Do you understand now?

Hope you like it :D


Yes, thank you. What confused me was that you had only Major Arcana cards and in order, like they were chosen. Thanks a million.


I just tried this spread for myself and it was AWESOME! Thanks so much for sharing this.


This looks great! I've been looking for a love life spread.

I like it because it isn't just "when will prince/ess charming show up and make it all better?" but more focussed on what you are doing and what you should be doing.


Awesome Spread!

I just tried this out for myself and REALLY loved the simplicity of it all.

My results were very straight-forward and clear. Thank you for sharing this one with everyone!