Celtic Block

White Wizard

The past three years I've bean particularly involved in the study and use of the Celtic Block ,[ extention of the Celtic Cross]. This having four extra cards. 11 The Unexpected. 12 the Unknown. 13 The Best Course of Action. 14 The Solidifier. Tarot the definative guide, by Tracy Porter explains this all in intricate detail, all 1092 possible delineations of the cards. Basically my point is that rearly have I seen much on site here regarding the Celtic Block. Could I please have some feed back regarding Celtic Block. Thankyou.


I have the book, but haven't done much with it. For those who aren't familiar with the Celtic Block, this is how it's laid out in the book:


In the diagram in the book, 3, 1, 4, 12 form form a straight line, 5 lines up with 11.

Her positions (and a synopsis of their meanings) are:
1. The Question - the nature of the question
2. The Cross - those circumstances that are at cross-purposes to the attainment of one's goals and ambitions
3. Above - the Querent's higher consciousness/universal truths the Querent knows to be true
4. Below - the Querent's lower cognition/unfortunate truths the Querent feels they can't change
5. The Recent Past - recent events that have brought the Querent to their current level of thinking
6. The Near Future - what's likely to happen in the near future, up to 3 months
7. The Querent - the Querent's thoughts, feelings, ambitions and desires, whether known or unknown to the Querent
8. The Environment - attitudes of friends, family and colleagues/living and working situation
9. For and Against - Querent's hopes and fears
10. The Next Half Year - probably outcome in the next 6 months as long as Querent continues along the same path they're on at the time of the reading
11. The Unexpected - something that's totally unexpected that the Querent isn't aware of at the time of the reading
12. The Unknown - that which is hidden from the Querent/something that the Querent may have overlooked
13. The Best Course of Action - what the Querent can do to bring about a successful resolution to the question
14. The Solidifier - clarifies/solidifies/verifies the previous 13 cards to provide an outcome that will most likely manifest within the next 12 months

I don't have any particular issue with the positions or what they're trying to get at. On the surface, The Unexpected and the Unknown seem to be getting at the same thing, but if you look a little closer, they are getting at two different things.

As to the 1092 possible interpretations of the cards, I don't think there's any way to list every possible interpretation for any card in any position because for me the interpretation of the card in position 4 will be affected by my interpretations of the three cards that preceded it. That interpretation will also have an effect on my interpretation of the 10 cards that follow it. So I would ignore the interpretations but I could see myself using the spread.
