Madame Endora's Fortune Cards


The Study Group

I just discovered the Madame Endora Study group thread, which looks very interesting, dont think anyone has posted on it for a while though - does anyone fancy reviving it & discussing the deck? :eek:)


MysticalMoose said:
I just discovered the Madame Endora Study group thread, which looks very interesting, dont think anyone has posted on it for a while though - does anyone fancy reviving it & discussing the deck? :eek:)
me! I would love to take part in that! I need to get a handle on the Madame. Her beauty is too grand to always sit in the pile and not be used. So, please, if one gets together, I want to take part in it!



MysticalMoose said:
Wow! they arrived this morning & already I am hooked! I love them, the artwork is stunning & they just get right down to the nitty gritty dont they? I cant put them down!

ME: "Madam Endora - am I going to work well with these cards?"

Madam E: The Spider - Be Meticulous & Patient! &
The Star - A Long Journey Brings Rewards!


Your getting off to a good start with her :) She's being nice with you...:)


She certainly is, so far.....! she doesnt mince her words though does she....


I have found Madame Endora readings can be extremely forthright, shall we say? Blunt, yes. She isn't hurtful, but she can be extremely... insistent?


i asked madame endora last night about whether i should extend my weekend trip to philly and go to a certain event on sunday...

2 - 1 - 3

1- the choice
2- if i don't go
3- if i do go

1- wolf - be careful who you trust
2- stars - a long journy brings rewards
3- wyvern? (from memory, i don't remember the card name) your secrets are safe.

well that WASN'T blunt. maybe she was mad at me for ignoring her so long? stars for if i DON'T go?? what's that mean? the long trip home sat night or sunday morning will have more rewards than staying until later sunday??

pulling one card about my relationship with the deck -

the spirit - unseen forces watch over you.

uh oh. madame endora is watching me even when i'm not practicing with her!!! LOL!!!

(i know we're not in the readings forum but i'd love any input as to the first reading!)

6 Haunted Days

I've had these cards for about 4 months and have used them a couple times. I remember the 2nd questioned I asked was about someone quite specific and when I chose the card...I looked and it's the Wolf and took me about 10 seconds to realize that this was the person's last name! :surprise:

They have been pretty fun to read with, but I guess I just never connected to them in a deeper way, though the illustrations are gorgeous, I got the feeling from the cards that divination with them was limited.


I got this deck as a bday gift and :love: it. :) The cards are hauntingly beautiful and its the perfect fortune deck to have. I usually remove a daily card and its quite accurate at times. Love this deck.


oh dear, I've forgotten about this. I've not used the Madame in awhile, and though I did find her again, buried with my other not so used tarot and oracle cards, I put her back, not feeling like I was ready for her.

She is a beautiful set of cards, but she's difficult. Right now, I'm spending most of my times with another set of beautiful faerie cards---the Faeries Oracle. I hope she isn't angry with me for this! :laugh:

I am glad a_shihks that you are enjoying her. what a lovely birthday gift to receive!


celticnoodle said:
She is a beautiful set of cards, but she's difficult. Right now, I'm spending most of my times with another set of beautiful faerie cards---the Faeries Oracle. I hope she isn't angry with me for this! :laugh:
Lol.. She might not get angry. But Im sure the faeries will if you start spending too much time with Madame Endora. ;) Both these decks are my favourites and great fun to do readings with. :)