~ The Three Lovers


Hi folks, this is my last analysis for today - won't be buggin ya more after this... ;)

Just finished reading Paulo Coelho's "By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept". I liked it, I really love the way Coelho tells his stories.

And what could be more suitable right now than to type down the analysis of the Cosmic Tribe Lovers-card, after finishing a book that makes pretty much the same point as the card?

First a little confession: I don't really like the male-male version of this card, the guys look like they'd both much rather be somewhere else than in that picture, to me they seem rather cold towards each other. I know what the artist was trying to do (showing physical closeness but both of them turning inwards at the same time), but I just think he did a better job with the other two versions. There, said it. I hate being critical about other people's work (especially when I really admire it as a whole, and definitely couldn't have done it better myself), but since this might affect my work WITH the deck, I have to be honest about it.

The Image:
A loving couple, holding each other closely. They look happy and in love, and they look very much "at home" with each other. They are close and they are equal, none of them is giving up on themselves, there's no self-obliteration in this relation, none of them is giving up on their individuality for the other one, or for the relation as such. They balance each other.

They are standing in Water (love, emotion, inwards-going, receptive, passive, softness, understanding, tenderness) surrounded by a ring of Fire (passion, driver force, spiritual growth, individuation, want, will, fury). The air behind them is crisply blue and clear as crystal. Behind the clouds two Cosmic Eyes are watching over the couple. Their union is sacred, because they mirror each other in their growth, just like their love mirrors the spiritual love that the Universe is founded on.

Above the couple a cherub is flying, a happy-go-lucky blue figure who seems to be on an eternal high...! The cherub is the mediator between the two, the glue, the attraction. Rings frame the couple where they stand, those rings can either be associated to rings on water (which reflects on love spreading from them - and also love attracting love, which is a difficult yet important human equasion) or as energies radiating from the couple (in which case it may reflect a more spiritual inspiration that The Lovers send out into the world, by their "joint forces" on their individual journeys).

Since I accidentally (?) included most of the symbols in telling the image, I will just conclude with a few thoughts:

This card is the first where the there isn't a particular guide to give our Fool on his journey through the cards clear instructions on what to do, how to grow, here he is for the first time grown up and on his own. That is why the equalness in the relation is important, because this is where we first start figuring out who we are, without having anyone else to tell us. This is a tricky one, and it IS hard to keep from letting our relations become a substitute for an identity of one's own, but we mustn't let that happen. There is noone "older and wiser" to tell you who you are, and what to do with your life. It's time to let go of the ready-made conceptions and start taking responsibility for yourself. The Lovers are a balanced couple ONLY if they both get to continue working on deepening their individual identities, supported by each other.

So The Lovers isn't at all about "finding the One", like we usually spend most of our energy doing, but in fact about finding ourselves. Not just about cutting ties with parents, what we learned in school, but cutting with everything we've learned to take for granted and start asking ourselves. This is not a project of adolecence - although many of us remember some of the more painful events of that process - but an ongoing project that we will probably be working on for the rest of our lives. There are so many voices out there who want to tell us what to believe in, it is so hard not to listen, and blindly follow...

It is also about how we treat those and that which we love. Does love mean possession? No. Love is love, possession is something completely different. Don't mix them up. How do we support those who we love, allow them to grow, bloom, evolve - without leaving ourselves to rot in the process? This is the fine-line-balance of this card - perhaps the hardest thing of all.

Light and love,
Jenny :)


Jenny-Li said:
This card is the first where the there isn't a particular guide to give our Fool on his journey through the cards clear instructions on what to do, how to grow, here he is for the first time grown up and on his own.

I have a different take on this card. I feel that the eyes in the background are the guiding force of The One (supreme being). This guiding force also reinforces to me that to trully love we must be aware and that love is conscious choice. Both in loving ourselves and others.

Although the 3 lovers cards can certainly be interpreted as romantic relationships, I also view them as friendships and partnerships that can exist among individuals in a non-romantic manner (brothers/sisiters, friends, etc.) I do use only one of the 3 cards (male/female), but I associate all three cards within this one. Sometimes when I am reading, and get this card, I have to pull out one of the others and look at a different dynamic based on the message I feel I am getting.

Jenny-Li said:
It is also about how we treat those and that which we love. Does love mean possession? No. Love is love, possession is something completely different. Don't mix them up. How do we support those who we love, allow them to grow, bloom, evolve - without leaving ourselves to rot in the process? This is the fine-line-balance of this card - perhaps the hardest thing of all.

I totally agree with this.


Jewel said:
I have a different take on this card. I feel that the eyes is the background are the guiding force of The One (supreme being). This guiding force also reinforces to me that to trully love we must be aware and that love is conscious choice. Both in loving ourselves and others.

Although the 3 lovers cards can certainly be interpreted as romantic relationships, I also view them as friendships and partnerships that can exist among individuals in a non-romantic manner (brothers/sisiters, friends, etc.) I do use only one of the 3 cards (male/female), but I associate all three cards within this one. Sometimes when I am reading, and get this card, I have to pull out one of the others and look at a different dynamic based on the message I feel I am getting.

Hm, it may not be so different after all - I just wasn't very clear with how I see the eyes. What I wrote a little shadily about sacred love, is basically that all love that we share with an other person is a sacred thing, because love is what connects us to the divine. (I think this is extremely hard to put words to, but I think we do agree, after all...! ;))

And I didn't mean that the cards refer just to romantic love, but to all relationships. After all, humans are social creatures, we form relations with many people throughout our lives, and most of them have at least the potential to give us support and guidance and growth. (Potential, yes - but in reality...? Eeek, when I think of how few relationships I have that actually work that way... :eek: )

I can't wait to start reading "for real" with this deck...!
Thanks for your input - just hope you didn't feel like you "had" to just because I whined about feeling lonely in the class room...? ;)

Jenny :)


Jenny-Li said:
Hm, it may not be so different after all - I just wasn't very clear with how I see the eyes. What I wrote a little shadily about sacred love, is basically that all love that we share with an other person is a sacred thing, because love is what connects us to the divine. (I think this is extremely hard to put words to, but I think we do agree, after all...! ;))

What I was referring to in my post is that I believe that the Fool is not alone on his journey but is guided by the awareness (the eyes) of the divine that lives within him. This in turn leads to what you have referenced in the passage above. I do not feel that Fool is alone in this journey as you mentioned in your earlier post. Other than that I think we agree on the rest.

Jenny-Li said:
Thanks for your input - just hope you didn't feel like you "had" to just because I whined about feeling lonely in the class room...? ;)

By no means!!! Glad you nudged me. I had missed what a wonderful experience studying the CT with others is. Afterall, like we discussed, not everyone shares our passion for this deck so it is great to have someone who trully appreciates it to explore it with.


Jewel said:
What I was referring to in my post is that I believe that the Fool is not alone on his journey but is guided by the awareness (the eyes) of the divine that lives within him. This in turn leads to what you have referenced in the passage above. I do not feel that Fool is alone in this journey as you mentioned in your earlier post. Other than that I think we agree on the rest.

Hm... We're all Fools, and we're all on a Journey, but in the end I think we are alone, cuz nobody else can live our lives for us, make our Journeys for us (although many confused people out there today seem to wish someone else could just take care of that for them - I think that is what I had in mind when I said the Fool is on his own, there's no longer someone there to tell him how to be himself, because that's pretty much what this card is about, to me.

Then when I read your post, something else about those eyes struck me: Eyes of Synchronicity. I mean whenever one makes a decision or takes one small step on the path that is one's true OWN path, that's when Synchronicity gets to work (or so it has seemed to me). "doing the right thing", walking our path, being our true selves...

So it would make sense with the Cosmic eyes watching over The Lovers like this, even though there are eyes in all the cards, to me this where they most look like God's Eyes, and God's helping hand is how I think of Synchronicity... God helping us out in "doing the right thing", walking our path, being our true selves...

(I use the word God for lack of another expression that feels comfortable to me, I don't mean to limit to any particular one god, but am still referring to the general principle...)

I don't know, it kind of makes sense to me...! :)



Jenny-Li said:
Hm... We're all Fools, and we're all on a Journey, but in the end I think we are alone, cuz nobody else can live our lives for us, make our Journeys for us.

So it would make sense with the Cosmic eyes watching over The Lovers like this, even though there are eyes in all the cards, to me this where they most look like God's Eyes, and God's helping hand is how I think of Synchronicity... God helping us out in "doing the right thing", walking our path, being our true selves...

Okies, now I think we are getting to the matter of where we disagree (or do we? *LOL*) ... you have touched on both. Like you, I do not believe anyone can live our lives for us, however going to your last parragraph you saw what I see. The eyes of "The One" (God, Allah, etc. ... thus the Fool is not alone) and to me that is the guiding influence and lives within each of us (and will be different for each of us). This is what I see in this card (all 3 versions). There is a divine awareness, and choices ... commitment to love, friendship, partnership, etc all require commitment and choice.

Angel Star

Man oh Man I never thought they we would get so far with this post on the 3 lovers and so in depth. I have nothing to really add except the post I hadn't read on the 3 lovers card or Lovers card in general were all great. I will have to take a look at this card again and meditate and then give another reply. Take care all.


*LOL with Angel Star* ... yeah we really got into this card, but that is because there is so much there (at least for Jenny-Li and I *LOL*). I am looking forward to having more indepth discussions like this in this study group. I am learning tons and becoming even more connected to the deck. I look forward to reading your upcoming post.

Angel Star

Sorry all I have been so busy with X-mas I have hardly had anytime to get to any of my tarot decks. Maybe after the holidays. If I am not too tired cause I am really looking forward to just laying in my bed for 1 day and doing nothing and then throw in a few readings with my favorite decks. The Cosmic Tribe being one of them! Have a nice X-mas everyone. Goddess Bless.


three lovers

I am new in using this deck but it speaks so clearly...

I forgot about their being 3 lovers cards... left them all in...and just started using the deck...

Last night after a stressful day with my husband asked the cards what was needed for us now...choose only one card...drew the lovers...the heterosexual pair...so I'm very impressed and will continue to leave in all three cards...

I really like some of the others reasoning for doing so...and can see an interpretation of the 2 female lovers as relating to my love/relationship for my daughter or sister or female friends...as well as my own femaleness...and independance...the need for female support/energy/understanding...mirroring...and the strength and comfort we acheive thru these pairings...more nurturing...yin...receptive...maybe the male aspects of loving not necessary here...being complete as female

the 2 male lovers card has the same connotations and seems like an added emphasis (doubled) of masculine loving energy...more protective...yang...assertive...maybe a sense of the female aspects of loving not being necessary here...but being complete as male...

the heterosexual pair seems to me more about the balance and the polarity of many relationships where opposites attract...and are needed to form a whole...the cooperation...compromise and giving up of some of self to accomodate the other

while the same sex pairs focus energy into one direction and speak of the attraction we feel for the other as same as self ..the need for commonality and reflection of self...and this self quality as independant and self motivated choice