The Wyrd of Sarah Howard


A few more to look at.
Some need work.
I stuffed one today.
Note to self; Do not attempt to paint a grey furry dog at a weird angle, in the dark.
(that is a hard sentence to punctuate, needless to say, it was the dog, not I, who was at a weird angle, in the dark).
I wrangled with the subject matter for a couple of hours, trying to employ all manner of artistic no avail....I have a badly drawn dog and no use for him.
Off down the road with ya, Poor little Hobo.


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They're lovely! I really like your colours and love the way your art draws you in ... even though I don't know anything about oracle decks, this looks like it's going to be a beautiful collection of paintings! :)

Perhaps, perhaps that fluffy canine didn't want to be painted on an angle, you know how finicky subjects can be at times... ;) bet he's wishing now that he'd been more complying!


I love your colors, so bright and so deep. Especially the blues, purples and greens. And I love your art style, I would always buy any deck of yours, no matter the kind.

70 cards you said? Perfect, the more cards, the more beautiful paintings from you. I am looking forward to whatever you create.


Wow, these are amazing. Another deck of yours that I'll be buying 3 copies of.....


I cannot wait.... oh yes... let us know as soon as you take orders!!


A few more to look at.
Some need work.
I stuffed one today.
Note to self; Do not attempt to paint a grey furry dog at a weird angle, in the dark.
(that is a hard sentence to punctuate, needless to say, it was the dog, not I, who was at a weird angle, in the dark).
I wrangled with the subject matter for a couple of hours, trying to employ all manner of artistic no avail....I have a badly drawn dog and no use for him.
Off down the road with ya, Poor little Hobo.

Oh I LOVE them... the Oysters... oh man I have had one of those days... with mussel shells, feet ripped to shreds after a slightly drunken 3.00am skinny dip... That will have such significance for me... I already have its meanings :)

Colours are gorgeous... loving the midnight tones of this deck..:)


Gabi, i :heart:LOVE:heart: your art sooooo much!
It is Poetry On canvas painted with the brush of your soul.
Sheer magic! It touches me very deeply.


I like it. In my view a few touches of humour are good in any oracle.


My wooden-eyes, today, for you.

Is this where your username comes from? :)

I am watching this like a hawk. I've never used an oracle deck (I own one that I found in a charity shop but have never ever used it) but this will entice me to trying it out. Obviously I need a deck to keep my Bonefire company. Beautiful work so far.


Wow chaps, I am knocked out by this positive response to the new project.
The departure from tarot feels quite alien, but ultimately quite freeing, the images for this one just flowed like it was all there inside me, ready to land on the page with silent splash.

I said before somewhere that Sarah Howard will does not have a system, this is not entirely so, as there will be 4 rough groupings for the cards, I do not wish a reader to have to slavishly consult a LWB to make anything of the cards as they are really designed for intuitive reading.

Are there oracle readers about who might have any thoughts on this. I do not see the deck as being read Lenormand style.

The card titles so far are generally short sentences. Will I keep these on the cards or change them to one word titles. This may be done with some thought and put the phrases in the book?........Hmmmm more pondering required.

I got that furry dog sorted out yesterday, the new morning brought fresh incite and I think he is okay now. I will post him later and one more I completed this weekend.

I going to get a "people" card done today.

Thanks again for the encouragement. If I allowed it this could become "that tricky 2nd album" you hear about. I am hoping to circumnavigate that by making a non-tarot deck.