Mysteries of the Universe spread




1. Are there any other planets that resemble and look like Earth in the universe?
2. Are there humans on other planets in the Universe?
3. Where does a black hole lead to?
4. Are there parallel/other universes?
5. Do extraterrestrial beings exist?
6. Do extraterrestrial beings ever abduct human beings on Earth?
7. Is it possible to warp drive like in the Star Trek TV show?
8. Are there humans on spaceships anywhere in space far away from Earth?
9. Are there stargates/portals to other dimensions/universes?
10. Summary/fills in missing points


I think this is the coolest spread ever! :)


I am loving your random spreads videojob8, I don't know how you think of them :D but personally I think they would be better used with a pendulum rather than tarot, as they seem to be more yes/no type of questions.


I am loving your random spreads videojob8, I don't know how you think of them :D but personally I think they would be better used with a pendulum rather than tarot, as they seem to be more yes/no type of questions.

This one is not so random after all. It deals with the topic of the universe and what is in it.