The "OMG WHY CAN'T I MOVE ON?!" Spread



1) Why you two parted (the lessons you needed to learn):
2) Why moving on is so difficult:
3) What exactly you are waiting for:
4) The truth you need to face:
5) Consciously, what they mean to you now:
6) Subconsciously, what they mean to you now:
7) Spiritually, what they mean to you now:
8) What you should now do/learn:
9) Fate's message to you about your relationship with them:
10) Fate's relationship advice that you need to pay attention to:
11) Where your relationship with them is probably going to end up:

This is not particularly a moving on spread, but a "should you move on?" spread.

I wanted to try it out but I don't think I'm in the particular mood to do a reading... especially about this. Do let me know how your readings turn out though (if you use this spread).


It's been well over a year - it rang clear as a bell and was extremely helpful getting me to finally let go. I still miss him sometimes, but I finally allowed myself to open my heart to someone new. I was looking back at the old reading, and it's painful how accurate it hit me. It helped tremendously though. Thank you *hugs tightly* I don't know if you're still here or not, but thank you so much for this. It was painful in so many ways, but it helped.

I recommend this spread to anyone who is having a hard time letting go. After that, please try:

The Next Stage of the Journey:


1. Where am I now in my journey?
2. What important lesson have I just learned?
3. What is the next step in my journey?
4. What weighs on my heart and is holding me back?
5. What is helping me and driving me forward?

I hope you can find the comfort and guidance that you need from astronautica (OP of spread unknown, she shared this with me)


Very interesting results...

You know, when you're trying to move on you tend to obsess over every little detail in the beginning, but with time, you find ways to distract yourself. You may even (*gasp*) go a whole day without thinking about that individual.

I have had 16 months (not including the year I spent in another country) to let go and move on. I've met nice men but no one I would be romantically involved with but the same guy creeps back up in my thoughts. And while the venom of the circumstances has cleared my system I still have thoughts; sometimes out of nowhere.

This spread was very interesting because it indicated that we separated to learn (page of swords) and moving on was a challenge because something is still under consideration (page of pentacles). Judgment seems to be the truth I am asked to face.

I didn't use the term "fate" as listed but "spirit's" message to me was healing and the advice was maybe to make a wish (9/cups).

I still feel like I'm doing everything I can on my part to let go:

*new people
*limit actual contact
*send light and love
*forgive myself
*allow time to heal

Maybe the judgment card is asking me to decide once and for all that I am done?

Interesting spread though; thank you for sharing.