"What they think of you" spread


I might have found this spread somewhere, but in the meantime I've made some of my own modifications with it and it's my most successful spread yet. I've had a lot of confirmed accuracy with it! My roommate said it was scary how close to home it can hit (she let me test it with her...haha)

2 4 3

1) What their general thoughts are when they hear your name or think of you (surface/automatic thoughts)
2) Detail card (meant to supplement #1)
3) Detail card
4) What they think of you at present
5) What they think of you subconsciously (they may or may not realise this)
6) Their hidden feelings (what they aren't telling you)

I know this spread seems a bit like prying...but uh, hopefully none of us will use it for nefarious deeds!


Simple and Easy to Interpret

I like the simplicity of this spread and the specificity of the questions involved (since we all know your answers are only as accurate as your questions).

I'm not sure if I will have the chance to determine how accurate the answers are as I tried this on a lover from the past. If the accuracy is close perhaps I will finally hear from him in the not-too-distant future.

I'd also add a "the way their thoughts of you manifests in deeds" card. If sometimes what they think and what they do are not always in step.

Thank you for sharing this.