Which spread should I use?


I am looking to do another big spread (I typically do three-card ones) and would like feedback on which one to use, I have not had as good results when I just make up my own thing :) So I'd like to find a good established spread to use.

I have several 'big issues' playing out right now, and I thought about doing separate readings since they are not technically related to each other. But I have been thinking that since the interplay between them might be relevant since they are all in big areas of my life, a single 'state of the union' type spread where I can see the big picture might be useful.

The broad strokes of the issues are:

1) My job. I was offered a one-year contract by my current boss that she has told me she will not renew. I was at first devastated, but I am trying to re-frame this in my mind as a positive thing. I can gain some experience in a slightly different role this year, which will be useful to me when I leave, and I have time to network and make some connections to move me onto the next thing. I would like to know how this will go. Will my next job be a good one? Will I have an okay experience going back there for one more year? Am I on a good path right now for my career, generally?

2) My job, part 2. In an effort to improve my job chances, I am taking driving lessons. I have a lot of anxieties about this. Will I do well? Will I learn to feel confident? Will I be safe in the car? Will my loved ones be safe in the car? General 'how is the driving going to go' question.

3) My family life. I am getting married in October, and it has been a little stressful. Is it going to go all right? Will we enjoy it, even? Will we survive it without anyone fighting or getting upset with each other? Might it, dare I hope, improve some of the relationships involved? General 'how is the wedding going to go' question.

4) Family life, part 2. This is the baby question :) We have been seeing a doctor for this. Will it happen naturally or will we need interventions? Will it happen this year, which would be perfect, timing-wise, given my job situation? When it does happen, will it go well, will I be healthy, will baby etc?

So...am I crazy to try and put all of this into one spread? What question do I ask? What layout do I use? Any tips for getting started?


Why not go to the "Tarot Spreads area and browse?

I have a couple of dozen spread there - they were posted a while ago so it will be quicker to find them by using the advanced search function, selecting the Tarot spreads area and threads started by me. But by simply browsing you'll find more recent spreads. :)


Unless you're looking for a general life reading (and saying baby/health/car/job is too specific for a general reading) then I'd say that you would be better served by breaking it down.

When I have big questions I sometimes use the celtic cross because it just has so much information. Sometimes that's overwhelming. I have a five-card spread that I designed that I use for specific-general questions (like this one). I also like a 7-card horseshoe that I modified for the purpose.


Celtic Cross - that was my first thought. But really, I also think you should tackle each of those issues you numbered in it's own reading. I would be afraid that some of the answers for one question could be misinterpreted as being for another question.

I'd still take a look at other spreads to se if one calls to you. The spread listing page here at Aeclectic is a good resource, as is the spreads group.


Celtic cross is the spread you ought to use.
It is tested through time.