Does the 2 of Cups really foretell love?


Like others, I would look at it in a wider context - could mean new romantic love but also a really deep friendship, or any kind of deep connection that resonates with your emotions to your soul. My cards stress that there's a balance between spirit and desire (in a sexual sense) in this card so it can be a loving connection on different levels.

Hi NorthernLight (cool name by the way!), thanks for your insights.

I agree with your guess, a loving connection where there's a balance between spirit and desire, but yes, it may also point to any other kind of connections like friendships for example.

Anyway being the card position "the partner you're attracting", I'd go for the love connection interpretation, but who knows, I may be wrong :D


Hi, thanks! Yes, it can also refer to platonic friendships.

Thanks for sharing this experience, I didn't think it could point to this also, thanks!

It's interesting looking at others interpretations isn't it :)