Past, present, future


I find this works extremely well:

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15

Simple but effective!

The first 5 cards tell me about the querent's background/influences
The next 5 tell me about their current frame of mind/situation
The last five tell me about their longer term future

I haven't in the past bothered with any of the specific meanings of the minor arcana; for me a low scoring pentacle in the last row means "you're not going to be a millionnaire!", a low scoring wand in the middle row means "there's not much umph about you" and a low scoring cup in the first row means "you were deprived of love and affection as a child!"

Five cards is enough to gain enough of an impression. It also means that the odds are that you will get one of each suit and one major arcana in each row.

I have, however, recently seen the error of my ways and am rapidly learning the minor arcana as they do seem to work amazingly well!