Dream Interpretation Please!


hi folks
can you guys help me figure out why did i have this dream and what was it pointing at? what is the meaning of it coming to me?

i had a dream last night. i was with some people, seems like they were friends. i was with them but didn't know who they were, or i was not focussed on their identities in the dream but seems i was with a group of people. we were moving around in a crowd and suddenly one of us shouted" here, come sit here! this is the place where no one can find us" and all of us moved in his direction and sat on a bench in a crowded area that he was pointing at. as soon as we settled in he took out a small bag of weed(marijuana i heard in the dream) and smiled and all of them had sparkle in their eyes. they were just about to open it when someone shouted "police". they left everything there and ran away. i looked at that bag of marijuana that they left on the bench and my phone was sitting right next to it. i knew i didn't have time to pick up my phone, so i started running away but i had this strong belief in my mind that this is it. they will be coming after me very soon and i'll be caught.

in the next scene i see myself in my parental home sitting with my parents watching television when the police force surrounds the house and the stick a gun inside the house from an open door and ask me to surrender. but as i was expecting them already so i get up and willingly move towards them as if i was waiting for them.

they take me to some place, then the dream started getting little muddled. nobody was harsh to me, no one questioned me about anything, i was just kept at a place i don't remember much but i heard someone in the background saying " you should be staying at that place! that place is dangerous". the people who had kept me captivated didn't seem to dangerous in any way, infact they would let me be myself.
then there is another scene where i am being left in a garden or something to stroll and have fresh air , i think by the same policemen, when i try to run away because that statement from someone that " the place is not good for me" was constantly ringing in ears and bothering me. and as soon as i start running i hear people saying " shoot! she should not have run!" and then happens crossfiring! there were actually two parties involved, that i came to know of in the end only who were trying to kill each other. i was there just because of circumstances as it seems they were not after me afterall! and this was the end of my dream.

what does it mean?

thanks so much in advance for considering to interpret!


and one more thing
i wasn't afraid at all during the dream even though i was arrested and taken into custody. it almost felt as if i knew already and was comfortable with the whole process. i had a feeling that i was not at fault at all. nobody did anything harmful to me during the dream, not even uttered a single harsh word or interrogated me at all.


It seems like your subconscious might be working out a conflict between how you are at present , how you think you should be , or how others (or authority figures ) think you should be . If you come from a background or family that has a more rigid moral or ethical code than you want for yourself then there might be some lingering fear or underlying concern that you will be punished or prevented from living the way you want to .


intuitively I feel this dream is about some sort of guilt! like when you are in your teens and you do something bad, that is how you react! In both scenarios it's a "lucky escape" from something bad happening. In the first dream someone else is doing something bad and you run so that you are not caught! in the second dream it's almost like you want to be taken in. perhaps in real life you have done something wrong and want to confess or admit it.

in the dream you never did anything wrong but were in situations where you could get in trouble. you first were scared of someone else's drug use pinned on you and in the second you were not scared and were calm. There is an interesting difference there that you ran to not have the drugs pinned on you and in the second dream you knew you were innocent, you didn't worry!

I couldn't work out from your description Alice if they are linked dreams. Did the police come around because they chased you after the drugs earlier? if that is the case I am definitely thinking this is about that guilt idea. It will catch you up! Perhaps in real life this is a worry! maybe you need to clear your mind, admit guilt or confess or maybe do something to make it right, like replace something or donate money to charity. There is something on your conscience maybe.

Final suggestion, are you having arguments and conflicts with your family? could the gun fight/ shoot out be a symbolism for conflict? people said "this is not a safe place?" was that about the family home which you described as quite calm. I don't mean that in an offensive way at all :heart: In my family life, it seems calm and lovely but we have quite a lot of issues with each other and I am really working on dealing with my issues in this area.

just some ideas for you! :)


thanks for your inputs dear ones!

first off all i saw all of what i explained in one single dream in one go. i was never afraid or scared of anything in the dream. it was like i was expecting whatever was happening already. i was quiet and calm throughout and no one in the dream tried to harm me or interrogate me for what i was caught for. instead, i was roaming around freely in the garden i was sitting in the end before i planned to run away. the only surprise that i experienced in the dream was that there were actually two groups who were rival and i accidentally ended up being a victim. neither of the parties were concerned what i was doing. they were just against each other and gauging each others's activities rather than keeping an eye on me.

i have never done anything wrong in my life. never ever indulged in anything not even for fun sake. i used to be a docile studious kid who my parents were and are still proud of because i was a topper all along during studies and that's what they expected from me!
conflicts do happen in every family but they have always supported me in the end and i can easily count on them for being there for me whenever i need them and they do the same.
i do feel there is a strong message trying to come through that i need to pay attention to. may be it is something that will happen in future and all these characters will enter my life in future so i am being warned to be cautious of the company i keep in future and stay vigilant?


What I see

First off I am an Intuitve. I am going to interpret without worrying if I am right or wrong at what I am seeing...if my interpretation feels right then great,,,if not then so be it.

You have a memory or experience from the past that has been locked away that you were not aware of until now. It is ready to be dealt with now because you are comfortable and able to come to terms with it and be aware and heal. You are in a not so comfortable place in your dream yet you are feeling ok, comfortable even. This signifies that in the past you were in a place that was not good for you or a situation and that you had underlying feelings of remorse...however now you are able to BE in this situation and work through it in your dream...to your surprise...comfortably. Mind altertering substances often signify our desire to escape but also respresent our link to the spiritual and desire to the spiritual before we are able to grasp our gifts of the spirit and come to terms that we do not need these things for peace and hapiness... You were comfortable with having the marijuana there yet you were not smoking it..you have graduated on a spiritual level and are able to know what and WHO you are. Additionally there are authority figures there yet they are non threatening you..you may be seeing the crossfire yet you are not IN IT..postive again. Our souls work these graduation steps out in dreams to remind us in gentle ways that we are done with cycles. I see this as a cycle graduated for you.


First off I am an Intuitve. I am going to interpret without worrying if I am right or wrong at what I am seeing...if my interpretation feels right then great,,,if not then so be it.

You have a memory or experience from the past that has been locked away that you were not aware of until now. It is ready to be dealt with now because you are comfortable and able to come to terms with it and be aware and heal. You are in a not so comfortable place in your dream yet you are feeling ok, comfortable even. This signifies that in the past you were in a place that was not good for you or a situation and that you had underlying feelings of remorse...however now you are able to BE in this situation and work through it in your dream...to your surprise...comfortably. Mind altertering substances often signify our desire to escape but also respresent our link to the spiritual and desire to the spiritual before we are able to grasp our gifts of the spirit and come to terms that we do not need these things for peace and hapiness... You were comfortable with having the marijuana there yet you were not smoking it..you have graduated on a spiritual level and are able to know what and WHO you are. Additionally there are authority figures there yet they are non threatening you..you may be seeing the crossfire yet you are not IN IT..postive again. Our souls work these graduation steps out in dreams to remind us in gentle ways that we are done with cycles. I see this as a cycle graduated for you.
this reading actually makes a lot of sense.
i have been in many situations in the past that were uncomfortable for me, some more than others, but i didn't have the courage to face them and was always afraid of them leading to unhappy outcomes. but today as i see myself, i wouldn't let any such situation affect me much as i have found the courage to face anything that comes my way and take a stand and fight for what is right for me. so yeah there has been a tremendous psychological change on subconscious level for better in terms of dealing with life in general. in a way you are very right that it is a graduation step for me and i feel i have completed a cycle on soul level. thank you very much for the insightful read. it made a lot of sense and was greatly useful!

love & blessings